Cover of the Fall 2024 Lakewood Connections Magazine with a young child throwing leaves into the air.

Fall 2024 Lakewood Connections in homes

Sept. 24, 2024

The Fall 2024 edition of the Lakewood Connections Magazine arrived in mailboxes this week and is online.

The most recent issue of the City of Lakewood’s quarterly magazine shares with residents and business owners the latest new from the city. Inside find information about:

  • Council Corner: The Lakewood City Council shares the importance of youth engagement in local government.
  • Road Projects: Want to know the upcoming road projects in the city? Check out a map showing work that’s complete, or almost complete, and what’s still to come.
  • Park upgrades: We have two major park improvement projects happening this year. American Lake Park is underway and construction at Wards Lake Park will start before the year ends.
  • Do you like our events? Check out the remaining events we have planned for 2024 in the calendar event listing.

Read online or check your mailbox and enjoy!