Oct. 25, 2024
Information was recently shared via social media about the city’s plans for Interlaaken Drive. Concerns were raised about tree removal and lack of public information. These concerns were understandably heightened by markings on selected trees, giving some the impression the trees would be cut soon.
Below is the correct information about what is planned, to make sure our residents have the facts about the safety improvements planned for Interlaaken Drive.
It is also important for people to know that when the city outlines road safety improvement projects, it seeks holistically to minimize impacts on the environment and the community whenever possible. When making decisions, everything must be taken into consideration. That includes balancing the desire to preserve trees and the natural environment with creating a safe place for residents to live and be able to access their community.
Did the city mark trees to be cut?

The cluster of trees marked with an orange spray painted dot was marked in May by a survey crew. The survey was tied to the city’s planned road improvements for Interlaaken Drive.
The trees were marked to record each location and size. This inventory was done so we could design the project in a way that had the least impact on the surrounding natural environment and abutting private property.
In the area where the trees are marked, the proposed road alignment was shifted as far east as possible to save as many trees on the west side as possible.
Most of the trees that are marked will not be cut.
Is the city going to cut trees on Interlaaken Drive?
The road improvement project will add sidewalks and make other road improvements on Interlaaken Drive between Washington Boulevard and 112th Street SW.
This will require the removal of trees.
Tree preservation in Lakewood is a City Council priority and a public priority. Because of this, significant efforts are being made to design this project to minimize the impact to surrounding trees.
To reduce how many trees need to be cut, the city shifted the design of the road layout to the east. There is no additional room on the public right-of-way to move the road any further. The shift was made solely to preserve trees. It resulted in a 62% reduction in the number of trees that need to be cut.
Had the project stayed along the current layout, 80 trees would have to come down. Now the city anticipates only needing to remove approximately 30 trees.
The city understands 30 trees is still a lot. But we have to balance public safety and the need for safe pedestrian access for the neighborhood with preserving the natural environment.
What is planned for Interlaaken Drive?
There is some confusion as to what work is planned and where on Interlaaken Drive. The project that will begin in 2025 spans between Washington Boulevard SW and 112th Street SW. Improvements include:
- Full removal and rebuild of Interlaaken Drive, including removing a 1-foot rise in the roadway.
- Stormwater system upgrades.
- Curb gutter and sidewalk installation.
- Paving the roadway.
Frontage improvements along the west side of Interlaaken Drive will connect to sidewalks installed at the Washington Blvd SW roundabout. The sidewalks will connect to existing sidewalks at 116th St SW. Improvements then continue north to 112th St SW. Frontage improvement on the east side of the road will connect to the sidewalks from Washington Blvd SW and continue north and end at 112th St SW.
These sidewalks will allow people to safely travel across the city from Steilacoom Boulevard to Washington Boulevard using sidewalks added to Hipkins Road, Idlewild Road, 112th Street and Interlaaken Drive.
It will also make it safer for children to walk to and from school and allows residents in the area to walk safely in their neighborhood without being on a narrow road with minimal shoulders.
Are other projects planned for Interlaaken Drive?
Information was also shared about long-range plans that call for the extension of sidewalks on Interlaaken Drive between Holly Hedge to Short Lane, as well as to Mount Tahoma Drive. These sections are listed on the city’s long-range transportation improvement plan, along with many other road projects across the city. Because they are listed doesn’t mean they will be done immediately. There are many other projects the city is focused on first, making it unlikely the proposed improvements to the smaller sections of Interlaaken Drive will be considered before 2029 or 2030.
When those projects are ready for construction, information will be shared publicly about what is planned.