Lakewood diverges from state, national averages in many areas

The United States Census Bureau has published data from the 2020 American Community Survey (ACS). By the Census Bureau’s latest estimates, Lakewood has a population of 63,612 residents.
Lakewood is one of just 15 Washington cities with a majority population of people of color; 51.9% of Lakewood’s population is BIPOC.

Key demographics include:
- 49.4% Male
- 50.6% Female
- 48.1% White alone
- 18.5% Hispanic or Latino
- 12.9% Black
- 12.9% two or more races
- 7.7% Asian
- 3.2% Native American or Pacific Islander
- 1.2% American Indian or Alaska Native
- Median Age: 35.6
- 5.9% under 5 years
- 20.1% under 18 years
- 79.9% 18 and older (64% 18-65)
- 15.9% 65 and older
Compared to state and national averages, Lakewood has:
- Double the average concentration of veterans (16.7%)
- Higher concentration of foreign-born persons
- Higher rate of primary languages other than English
- Lower proportion of White residents
- Lower homeownership rate
- Higher turnover (% living in same house 1 year ago)
- Lower rate of attainment of bachelor’s degree
- Lower employment rate
- Higher rate of persons with a disability
- Higher rate of persons without health insurance
- Lower median household income and per capita income
- Higher rate of persons in poverty
The ACS is different than the Census Bureau’s Decennial Census – the ACS is perpetual and collects data about education, housing, jobs, and other important topics. The Census collects population data, asks fewer questions, and is conducted every ten years. ACS information is useful to communities, and Census data is helpful to determine congressional representation and other policy.