On May 10th, 2021, the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021, which provided $350 billion in emergency Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) for eligible state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency.
The City of Lakewood was awarded $13,766,236 in ARPA funding. ARPA funds had to be obligated to projects by Dec. 31, 2024 and the funds must be spent by Dec. 31, 2026. Following a City Council retreat, public outreach campaign, a call for applications, three RFPs for specific ARPA-eligible projects, and numerous discussions and formal actions, the City Council fully obligated Lakewood’s ARPA funds in June 2024.
Tiffany Speir
ARPA Program Manager
(253) 983-7702
[email protected]
Available by phone and email:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Ted Thelin
ARPA Program Coordinator
(253) 433-4177
[email protected]
Available by phone and email:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
View the American Rescue Plan Act Full Text
Lakewood ARPA Allocations
How are Lakewood’s ARPA funds allocated?

Boys & Girls Club Programming
The Lakewood Boys & Girls Club is running several youth mental health and social programs. Programs include teen late night, teen mental health first aid training, and other programming at the Lakewood B&G Club Teen Center.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 237,374.00
Spent: $ 158,224.92
Clover Park School District – Youth Mental Health Program
The Clover Park School District is providing mental health services and workshops for students and their families.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 68,000.00
Spent: $ 68,000.00
Communities in Schools – Warriors of Change
Warriors of Change is a leadership development and project-based learning program which prepares students for next steps in schooling, career development, and beyond.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 34,170.47
Spent: $ 34,170.47
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library provides books to children up to 5 years old. Children keep the books provided by the project. The program is administered by the Lakewood Rotary Club.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 77,426.00
Spent: $ 17,776.00
Northwest Youth Corp Youth Employment Program
Northwest Youth Corp is running several youth employment and job-training programs.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 84,000.00
Spent: $ 84,000.00
YMCA Summer Day Camp
This program funds a summer day camp program offered at the Lakewood YMCA.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 126,847.00
Spent: $ 48,472.31
YMCA Little Learners Summer Learning Academies
This program funds an educational child care program at the Lakewood YMCA.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 100,000.00
Spent: $ 77,491.00
YMCA Water Safety Classes
This program funds water safety classes at the Lakewood YMCA.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 35,489.92
Spent: $ 26,341.92

HVAC Coolers
This program is for HVAC updates to the Lakewood City Hall building.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 525,000.00
Spent: $ 525,000.00
Energy Audit
City Hall boilers and other equipment will be updated or replaced as necessary.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 500,000.00
Spent: $ 500,000.00
Lakewood City Hall Reconfiguration Study
A study will be performed to reduce the physical footprint of Lakewood employees. Space made available through this study will be repurposed at a later date.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 101,412.24
Spent: $ 101,412.24
Lakewood City Hall Reader Boards
This program will fund multi-function reader boards at Lakewood City Hall to better communicate information to people seeking services.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 320,000.00
Spent: $ 24,391.25
Lakewood Municipal Court Technology Upgrade
This program updates technology within the Lakewood Municipal Court to provide more accessible court services.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 141,749.79
Spent: $ 141,749.79
Lakewood City Website Multilingual Accessibility
The City of Lakewood website is being updated to provide more accessibility and better translation into commonly used languages.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 15,050.73
Spent: $ 15,050.73

Springbrook Connections Facility Improvments
Funds for the cost of office space and operational support for the Springbrook Connections organization. Springbrook Connections represents the springbrook neighborhood, providing community services, information, and networking for residents.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 49,950.00
Spent: $ 49,950.00
9th & 10th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers Museum
Funds to support the 9th and 10th Horse Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers Museum 2023 Labor Day Event.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 5,000.00
Spent: $ 5,000.00

Nourish Pierce County – Building Purchase and Renovation Contribution
Nourish Pierce County needs more space for food bank operations in Lakewood. Lakewood’s ARPA funding contributes to their larger efforts to purchase and renovate a new space to better serve Lakewood residents. The property has been purchased and renovations have started.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 1,250,000.00; $750,000.00 conditional
Spent: $ 2,000,000.00
Emergency Food Network – Warehouse Construction Contribution
Emergency Food Network is constructing a new warehouse to provide more services to residents of Lakewood. Lakewood’s ARPA funding contributes to their larger efforts to construct a new warehouse. Demolition of existing structures is complete, construction has started.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 1,000,000.00
Spent: $ 1,000,000.00

LASA – Gravelly Lake Commons Affordable Housing Phase 3
LASA is constructing an affordable housing project. Lakewood’s contribution will go towards completing Phase 3 of this multi-stage project.
Status: In Progress
Allocated: $ 1,000,000.00
Spent: $ 720,250.00
LIHI Comfort Inn Purchase – Aspen Court Emergency Shelter
The City of Lakewood, the City of Tacoma, and Pierce County pooled resources to purchase the Comfort Inn building on Hosmer Avenue. It has been converted to an emergency shelter and will become permanent supportive housing in the future. The City of Lakewood contributed $1,050,000.00 to this project. Included in the total contribution is a $700,000 bridge loan. The loan has been returned to the city.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 1,050,000.00
Spent: $ 1,000,000.00
Bridge Loan Returned: -$700,000.00
Total Expenditure to date: $300,000.00
Habitat for Humanity – Boat Street Project
Habitat for Humanity is building homes in the Tillicum neighborhood. This project will provide updates to infrastructure on and around Boat Street in Tillicum to support new housing.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 242,000.00
Spent: $ 242,000.00
Rebuilding Together South Sound (RTSS) – Rebuilding Healthy Neighborhoods
RTSS performs outreach in underserved communities to connect people with essential services like food banks and home repairs. RTSS has repaired homes in Woodbrook, Springbrook, and Monta Vista through this program.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 341,250.00
Spent: $ 173,846.70
Tacomaprobono Eviction Prevention Legal Services
Tacomaprobono provides provides free legal aid and direct representation to low-income tenants to address the negative economic impacts caused to households in Lakewood during the Covid-19 health emergency.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 472,500.00
Spent: $ 432,816.00
Tacoma Rescue Mission – Pierce County Community Village
Tacoma Rescue Mission is overseeing the development of a Community Village. The community village will serve residents of Lakewood struggling with homelessness.
Click here for more information on community villages
Status: Not started
Allocated: $ 1,000,000.00 conditional
Spent: $ 0.00

24CPPR SEIS Transportation & Parking Review
The City of Lakewood is reviewing transportation and parking issues due to new housing densification laws. The project is to expand the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the City’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 86,905.00
Spent: $ 86,905.00
Facet NW
The City of Lakewood is updating its environmental protection regulations in keeping with state law and best available science. The project funds consultant work to assist the City to complete the updates to its Shoreline Master Program (SMP) and Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO.)
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 16,475.00
Spent: $ 16,475.00
American Lake Park Improvements
Funds for park hand washing stations reallocated to improvements at American Lake Park.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 78,750.00
Spent: $ 78,750.00
Edgewater Park Improvements & Downtown Park
Funding for improvements to Edgewater Park found in draft master plan. Funding for the creation of a Downtown Park.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 1,780,071.43
Spent: $ 1,780,071.43
Camp Murray Boat Launch Master Plan
Funding to complete an American Lake Boat Launch Master Plan to allow the City and Camp Murray to apply for further grants.
Status: Not started
Allocated: $ 100,000.00
Spent: $ 0.00
Urban Forestry Program
Funds to create an Urban Forestry Program and operation of the program through 2026.
Status: In Progress
Allocated: $ 340,000.00
Spent: $ 143,285.80

Lakewood Police Department Retention Payments
One-time retention payments made to qualifying Lakewood Police Officers.
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 607,500.00
Spent: $ 607,500.00
Lakewood Police Department Body Camera Staff & Hardware Costs
This program funds equipment and setup costs related to the Lakewood Police Department Body Camera program.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 102,944.00
Spent: $ 102,944.00
Lakewood Police Department Body Cameras Admin Costs
This program funds administrative costs related to the Lakewood Police Department Body Camera program.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 675,024.00
Spent: $ 675,024.00
Emergency Services Advanced Warning System
This program funds translation services and technology upgrades related to emergency warning and alert systems.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 1,064.71
Spent: $ 1,064.71
West Pierce Fire and Rescue – Emergency Communications Equipment
This project is funding updates to communications equipment used by West Pierce Fire and Rescue. This includes equipment for emergency communications as well as communications equipment for training and meetings.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 229,990.00
Spent: $ 229,990.00

Career Team Workforce Central – Workforce Development Program
Career Team is running a workforce development program that includes outreach and events to connect workers and employers.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 72,142.76
Spent: $ 72,142.76
Pierce County Business Accelerator Contribution
The Pierce County Business Accelerator provides direct access to business resources like training, coaching, technical assistance, and networking support to launch and grow micro businesses in Pierce County.
Status: Completed
Allocated: $ 500,000.00
Spent: $ 500,000.00

Lakewood ARPA Program Administrative Indirect Costs
Lakewood’s projected indirect costs of administering the ARPA program.
Status: In Progress
Allocated: $ 235,266.00
Spent: $ 235,266.00
Lakewood ARPA Program Administrative Costs after 12/31/24
Lakewood’s projected costs of administering the ARPA program after 12/31/24
Status: In progress
Allocated: $ 160,000.00
Spent: $ 0.00