Lakewood City Council

City Council Agenda Packets and Meeting Schedule

Every month, the first and third Mondays are regular council meetings. The second and fourth Mondays are study sessions. Typically, the council does not meet on the fifth Monday of the month, unless a special meeting is called. Meetings begin at 7 p.m. on the dates below, unless otherwise indicated.
View the full meeting calendar here.

Schedule and Agenda Packets
Watch City Council Meetings
Public Comments

Meeting Agenda Packets

To see City Council meeting minutes, click here. All links below lead to a PDF file.

Meeting Schedule and Tentative Topics

October 28, 2024 Study Session

  • Review of 2025 Property Tax Levy
  • Review of Year-End (2024) Budget Adjustment
  • 2025 Comprehensive Plan Docket Introduction
  • Introduction of 2024 Development Regulation Updates (Amendments to comply with SB 5290 (permitting timeliness) and to govern manufactured home parks and camping and recreational vehicle parks)

November 4, 2024 Regular Meeting

  • Proclamation declaring November as Native American Heritage month
  • Proclamation recognizing Veterans Day and Veterans Appreciation month – Colonel Gallo, Commander, 2/2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
  • Youth Council Report
  • Clover Park School District Report – Alyssa Anderson Pearson, Board President
  • Authorizing the execution of an agreement for State government relations services  
  • Authorizing the execution of an agreement for Federal government relations services
  • Authorizing the execution of a construction contract for roadway improvements along Steilacoom Boulevard from 87th Avenue to Weller Road
  • Authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement between Pierce County and the City of Lakewood for the provision of specialized law enforcement services
  • This is the date set for a public hearing on the Utility Tax Rate Increase
  • This is the date set for a public hearing on the 2025 Property Tax Levy
  • This is the date set for a public hearing on the Year-End (2024) Budget Adjustment
  • This is the date set for a public hearing on the 2025-2026 Proposed Biennial Budget
  • This is the date set for a public hearing on the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Docket
  • This is the date set for a public hearing on the 2024 Development Regulation Updates (Amendments to comply with SB 5290 (permitting timeliness) and to govern manufactured home parks and camping and recreational vehicle parks)
  • Ordinance considering the vacation of that section of Cline Road lying between Interstate 5 and Pacific Highway SW

November 12, 2024 (Tuesday) Study Session

  • Joint Community Services Advisory Board meeting
  • Review of 2025 Human Services funding recommendations
  • Review of 2025 Lodging Tax funding recommendations
  • Review of 2025 Fee Schedule amendments
  • Review of 2025-2026 Proposed Biennial Budget

Meetings and Agenda Packets

All links below lead to a PDF file.






Watch City Council Meetings

There are three ways to watch a City Council Meeting:


Lakewood City Hall
Council Chambers
6000 Main Street SW
Lakewood, WA 98499


Meetings may be watched live from the City of Lakewood YouTube channel.

Meetings may also be joined via Zoom, meeting ID: 868 7263 2373.


Dial +1 (253) 215- 8782 and enter meeting ID: 868 7263 2373.

Public Comments

The City Council allows Public Comment during Regular Meetings. These are held on the first and third Monday of every month. Public Comments are accepted by mail, email, or by live or virtual comment. Send comments in advance by mail or email to Briana Schumacher, City Clerk at 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 or [email protected].

Each speaker is allowed three minutes to speak during the Public Comment portion of the meetings.

To provide virtual comments:
Join the Zoom meeting as an attendee by dialing +1(253) 215- 8782 on your phone and enter meeting ID: 868 7263 2373. You can also click this link:

For those using the ZOOM link, upon entering the meeting please enter your name. Use the “Raise Hand” feature to be called upon by the Mayor during the Public Comments portion of the agenda. When you are unmuted please provide your name and city of residence.

For those participating by calling in by telephone, to use the “Raise Hand” feature press *9 on your phone. Your name or the last three digits of your phone number will be called out when it is your turn to speak. When using your phone to call in you may need to press *6 to unmute yourself. When you are unmuted please provide your name and city of residence.

Outside of Public Comments, all attendees on ZOOM will continue to have the ability to virtually raise their hand for the duration of the meeting.  You will not be acknowledged and your microphone will remain muted except for when you are called upon.

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