March 30, 2020
By now Lakewood residents should have received an invitation via the mail to complete the 2020 U.S. Census. This invitation included a personalized identification number to be entered online to complete the census using your computer or phone.
If you have not completed your questionnaire yet, please do so by April 1, 2020. You can complete the census at my2020census.gov – please be ready to complete the census in one sitting, as the system does not save your progress. It should take about 10 minutes.
The process is easy and private – all information is confidential and is only used by the government to produce statistics. It’s these statistics that are critical to Lakewood’s future.
The U.S. Census is a national population count that occurs every 10 years with a goal to count every resident regardless of age, race, ethnicity or citizenship status. The information gathered is used to determine how much federal funding our community receives for things like schools and classrooms, hospitals and clinics, roads, childcare centers and service center programs.
If you are unable to submit your responses online, you can also complete them by mail. Reminders and paper copies of the census will be mailed to all households that have not completed the questionnaire online. They will go out the first full week of April.
Households that have still not completed the census by mid-April will receive postcards by the end of the month encouraging them to fill out the questionnaire. From there in-person visits by census workers will begin in May and continue through July in an effort to ensure everyone is counted.