All phases of the JBLM North Access Project to improve Gravelly Lake Drive and Washington Boulevard are now fully funded. The City of Lakewood learned on Friday, Nov. 19 that the Transportation Improvement Board awarded several grants that the City had applied for to complete ongoing road work.
A grant in the amount of $4 million was awarded to complete the second phase of the JBLM North Access Project. $7.34 million dollars of local funds are budgeted for a total project cost of $11.34 million.
This means that construction along Washington Boulevard, Edgewood Avenue, North Gate Road, and Vernon Avenue will start sooner than previously anticipated. The City will bid the project in January 2022 and work will begin in early summer 2022.
The JBLM North Access Project is currently underway in Phase 1. Gravelly Lake Drive is currently closed between Nyanza Road and Washington Boulevard until February. A roundabout was installed at the southern intersection of Gravelly Lake Drive & Nyanza Road, and another is under construction at Gravelly Lake Drive & Veterans Drive.

Phase 1 will conclude with the future installation of roundabouts at Gravelly Lake Drive & Washington Boulevard, and Interlaaken Drive & Washington Boulevard.
Phase 2 involves the reconstruction and widening of Washington Boulevard from Interlaaken Drive to Edgewood Avenue SW, and a small section of North Gate Road. Several roundabouts will be installed and sidewalks will be added to improve traffic flow and walkability.
“The Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) funds high priority transportation projects in communities throughout the state to enhance the movement of people, goods and services. TIB is an independent state agency, created by the Legislature, that distributes and manages street construction and maintenance grants to 320 cities and urban counties throughout Washington State. Funding for TIB’s grant programs comes from revenue generated by three cents of the statewide gas tax.”
– Transportation Improvement Board website