DETOUR REVISION. Beginning Friday October 22, Nyanza Road will close for a short duration. During this timeframe, crews will tie the new roundabout at Gravelly and Nyanza to the existing roadway along Nyanza. The detour route will be along Gravelly Lake Drive as shown below. Drivers are advised that the intersection of Gravelly and Veterans, which has been placed into emergency flash mode for the past three months, will return to full operation on Thursday October 21. Immediately following the tie-in of the Nyanza leg, the detour will revert back to the current route and crews will close the section of Gravelly Lake Drive between Veterans Drive and Washington Boulevard (the intersection at Washington/Gravelly will remain open). Immediately following this closure, the contractor will remove the Gravelly/Veterans signal and roadway within that stretch in preparation for the construction of the roundabout there.
Paving of the new road will commence on Monday October 19 beginning at Pacific Highway toward Nyanza. It is anticipated that paving will take four days, and delays are expected each day for those living within the corridor. Even though the roadway will be paved, we cannot open the roundabout until the Nyanza detour bypass is closed.