Jan. 3, 2024
At its first regular meeting of the new year the Lakewood City Council saw three of its seven members sworn in.
Councilmember Paul Bocchi was re-elected to his position, entering his fourth term on the Lakewood City Council.
Councilmember J. Trestin Lauricella was appointed to his position when former Councilmember Linda Farmer vacated the position after being elected Pierce County Auditor. Lauricella was elected by Lakewood voters in the 2023 election.
Councilmember Ryan Pearson is the newest member to join the City Council. He filled the position vacated by longtime Councilmember and former Mayor and Deputy Mayor Don Anderson. Anderson chose not to run for re-election. His term ended Dec. 31, 2023.
Lakewood Municipal Court Judge Lisa Mansfield administered the swearing in ceremony for the three councilmembers.
In their first action as a new body, the Lakewood City Council voted on who would serve as Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2024.
Members unanimously supported keeping Mayor Jason Whalen and Deputy Mayor Mary Moss in their respective positions for another year.