Lakewood Conducts Resident Satisfaction Survey

The City of Lakewood has begun a survey to assess resident satisfaction with local amenities and local government.

The City of Lakewood has begun a survey to assess resident satisfaction with life in Lakewood. The survey will be available online and instructions will have already been delivered by mail to many Lakewood residents.

The survey is based on the “National Community Survey” (NCS), a standard model that will allow Lakewood to compare its results to other participating cities and towns.

“Be honest, and tell us how you really feel. It’s important for us to know whether you are satisfied with life in Lakewood, what we’re doing well, and what we can do better for you.”
Michael Vargas, Assistant to the City Manager

The survey will be conducted in two phases: a limited phase, and an open phase. In the limited phase, randomly-sampled households will receive a yellow, half-page mailer with instructions to complete a survey online. Recipients may type the URL on the mailer into a web browser and complete the survey online.

On Friday, Feb. 18, the open phase will begin and the online survey will open to the general community. A link will be posted to the City of Lakewood’s social media and website. The open survey will close on Friday, March 4.

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