This morning, Russia invaded the free nation of Ukraine, homeland of 44 million and motherland of nearly a million Americans of Ukrainian descent.
Lakewood is a military community, home to generations of active and retired military members and their families. Lakewood is also a global community, home to expatriates of Ukraine and eastern Europe.
Those of us who have served this great country well know that our presiding interest as a nation is freedom and peace. C-17s roar and artillery rumbles here, and we trust their purpose to be protection of that peace.
Now, a free nation is under siege, and we watch this incursion unfold with horror and uncertainty. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and her people here in our city and country.
Many that live in Lakewood have known war and the personal impact of armed conflict. We embrace our veterans and active military watching this conflict with great anxiety. We share a collective hope that peace may soon be restored.
– Jason Whalen, Mayor