Safe Start Phase 2 graphic from Pierce county

Pierce County approved to move into Phase 2 under state ‘Safe Start’ plan

June 5, 2020

Pierce County announced today that its application to move to Phase 2 was approved by the state Department of Health. The move to the second phase is effective immediately.

From Pierce County:

“I’m pleased that our residents’ hard work to social distance and abide by best practices has been recognized,” said Executive Bruce Dammeier. “While we are eager to see some of the restrictions lifted, I urge our community to continue with the practices that protect themselves, their families and our community.”

Activities allowed under Phase 2, with certain restrictions, include restaurants at 50 percent capacity, in-store retail at 30 percent capacity and the re-opening of salons, barbers and other personal grooming services.

The county is expected to remain in Phase 2 for at least three weeks and can apply to move to the next phase when prescribed COVID-19 targets have been achieved.

“We’ve spent this week handing out a million masks to our local businesses, nonprofits and houses of worship for just this day,” said Council Chairman Doug Richardson. “It’s great to know that they will have the PPE they need in time to safely re-open.”

Lakewood businesses that applied for this personal protection equipment received it Thursday, June 4, 2020 in a pre-designated area of Clover Park Technical College, where the county partnered with the city and Lakewood Chamber of Commerce to help distribute supplies.

More information about what is allowed under Phase 2 may be found at