Temporary outdoor seating application process for Lakewood restaurants

November 20, 2020

On Sunday, November 15, 2020, Governor Jay Inslee announced a four-week set of restrictions in response to the recent rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus in Washington and across the country. The restrictions aim to slow the spread of COVID cases and to help protect vital hospital and medical systems in the state from becoming overwhelmed.

The new restrictions close all restaurants and bars in the state for indoor dine-in service.

Outdoor dining and to-go service are permitted, provided that all outdoor dining must comply with the requirements of the Outdoor Dining Guidance. Table size for outdoor dining is limited to a maximum of five (5) people. These modified restaurant and bar restrictions went into effect at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, November 18, 2020.

In August, the City created a process to accommodate temporary outdoor seating for existing restaurants and bars in Lakewood. The applications can be found here: Temporary Outdoor seating application.  

Here is an overview of the current review process:

Step 1: Please submit all application materials to [email protected]

Step 2: A member of the City of Lakewood’s development services team, as well as, West Pierce Fire and Rescue will review the proposal documents and respond within 14 days.  The City’s development service team will review the application for the following elements:

1. Parking spaces.

2. For all tents, planning will review that tents are 20’ from lot lines, that barrier free access is maintained, that sidewalk clearance exists, that there is a barrier in place to prevent cars from driving into tables. If all of the requirements are met, planning will approve.

3. For overnight structures, planning will complete review of abovementioned items and if all items are complete will forward the completed application to building to review the structural elements of the tent. Assuming the tent is structurally compliant, building will approve.

Step 3: Approval will be sent via email to the individual who submitted the proposal. Approved proposals will be stamped digitally.

For tents over 400 square feet, applicants must call West Pierce Fire and Rescue, 253-983-4583, to schedule an inspection of tent installation.

Step 4: Approvals are granted for 90 days, and are subject to renewal.

WARNING: The owner is responsible for adhering to the rules and regulations of all other agencies with jurisdiction, including: Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board, and Governor of Washington. Additional requirements may be imposed by other agencies with jurisdiction. For additional information, please contact these individual agencies.