DETOUR UPDATE: The Gravelly/Veterans intersection will be reopened Friday, February 11 at 4:00 p.m. A small section of the roundabout will remain closed. This is due to an existing power pole that was not able to be relocated prior to opening. The pole will be removed in the next few weeks. This will not affect the operation of the roundabout for nearly all traffic utilizing the roundabout. Washington Boulevard between Lake City Boulevard and Gravelly Lake Drive will be closed Monday February 14 at 8:00 a.m. For more information on the detour revision see the map below.
CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: The base lift of asphalt was completed this week along Gravelly Lake Drive between Veterans and Washington and between Pacific Highway and Nyanza. In addition, paving of the parking lot fronting Lakewold Gardens was completed this week. Pavement restoration along Langlow, Pine, and Walnut will be completed next week. The contractor will also install signs and complete some of the concrete within the corridor.
The top lift of asphalt and permanent striping will be installed following completion of the Washington Blvd/Gravelly Lake Drive roundabout.