Adopt A Street Program

Roadside litter is unfortunate; we wish folks would dispose of trash the right way. The “Adopt A Street” program allows a resident or organization to claim a street and help clean up litter.

Adopted streets receive signs that credit their adoptees. The program is a great outlet for civic pride and community service.

Cleaning up litter helps beautify Lakewood and protects the environment. We invite interested groups to apply: simply return the application to [email protected]

Forms for current Adopt-A-Street participants:

Help keep our roads beautiful, walkable, and inviting by “Adopting A Street” to help pick up litter.
Help keep our roads beautiful, walkable, and inviting by “Adopting A Street” to help pick up litter.
Help keep our roads beautiful, walkable, and inviting by “Adopting A Street” to help pick up litter.