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Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing

The City of Lakewood, WA Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing for the 2025 Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendment docket list on April 2 at 6:30 pm.  All persons may submit written comments about the amendments no later than noon on April 2, or testify in-person or virtually during the public hearing.

HEARING DATE: April 2, 2025

TIME:     6:30 PM

PLACE:  Lakewood City Hall or via ZOOM.  Instructions on how to attend the hearing, testify and/or submit written comments will be published no later than March 28, 2025 at

The docket list includes the following amendments:

2025-01 “Co-Living Housing” Amendments for consistency with ESHB 1998 (Concerning co-living housing)

2025-02 Updates to Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element, Parks Element, and Utilities Element for consistency with E2SHB 1181 (Climate Change & Resiliency)

2025-03 Updates to Lakewood development regulations regarding “middle housing” for consistency with E2SHB 1110

2025-04 Regulatory amendments for consistency with SB 5792 “Concerning the definition of multiunit residential buildings”

2025-05 Regulatory amendments regarding residential parking for consistency with SSB 6015

2025-06 Technical updates to the Municipal Code to reincorporate previous Civic Use regulations; update LMC 18A.10.180 (Definitions) to include “religious assembly”; amendments to LMC 18A.40.080 (A) to allow religious organizations in various land use zones; and amendments to LMC 18A.40.080 (A) to allow day care centers in real property owned or controlled by religious organizations in the MR1 and MR2 zones.

2025-07 2025-2029 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan

2025-08 Private request for parcel 0319061001 to be redesignated/rezoned from exclusively Air Corridor (AC) / Air Corridor 1 (AC1) to “split zoning” of AC / AC1 and Industrial (I) / Industrial 1 (I1).

2025-09 Review, and if needed, amend, the Lakewood Regional Growth Center (RGC) and the Downtown Subarea Plan, Regulations, and Planned Action for consistency with PSRC’s Regional Centers Framework Requirements

2025-10 Redesignate / rezone parcel 5140001191 from Downtown / Central Business District (CBD) to Open Space and Recreation (OSR) / Open Space and Recreation 2 (OSR 2.)

2025-11 Review LMC 18A.40.110 (B)(1)(e) to consider amending the minimum square footage for accessory dwelling units (ADUs.)

2025-12  Recognize RCW 35A.21.440 and RCW 36.70A.130 regarding allowing new housing in “existing buildings”, as defined herein, zoned commercial or mixed-use in the Lakewood Municipal Code.

For further information, please contact Tiffany Speir, Lakewood Planning Division Manager, at [email protected].