3/4/22 JBLM-North Access Improvement Update

Why is this project taking so long? The City has received numerous questions and concerns regarding the time this project is taking to construct. The common assertion is, “I watched Project X take only a month to complete; the Gravelly project is taking a year.” The reason why this project takes longer than other projects is related to the scope …

2/11/22 JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update

DETOUR UPDATE: The Gravelly/Veterans intersection is open. Washington Boulevard between Lake City Boulevard and Gravelly Lake Drive will be closed Monday February 14 at 8:00 a.m. See image below for more information on the new detour route and access to streets near the closure. CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Sidewalk was poured along Gravelly Lake Drive between Veterans and Washington. Patching was completed …

2/4/2022 JBLM-North Access Improvement Update

DETOUR UPDATE: The Gravelly/Veterans intersection will be reopened Friday, February 11 at 4:00 p.m. A small section of the roundabout will remain closed. This is due to an existing power pole that was not able to be relocated prior to opening. The pole will be removed in the next few weeks. This will not affect the operation of the roundabout …

1/23/2022 JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update

The Gravelly Lake Drive and Veterans Drive roundabout is taking shape. The contractor will complete the final two concrete pavement pours in the roundabout early this week. Following that, the contractor will finish the remaining sidewalk and curb sections. The contractor is scheduled to pave the base lift (top lift of this section possible depending upon temperatures) next week. Additionally, …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Update 1/7/22

DETOUR UPDATE: Langlow Street, Walnut Street and Pine Street located west of Gravelly Lake Drive will be closed to through traffic at Gravelly Lake Drive beginning Monday at 8:00 a.m. This route has seen a dramatic increase in vehicular traffic since the closure of Gravelly Lake Drive at Veterans Drive. Unfortunately, the road was not made for this level of …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update 12/23/21

Progress continues at the Washington Blvd./Veterans Drive roundabout. The contractor poured the curbs around the roundabout this week. No work will be performed next week with weather expected to not be conducive to progress. The contractor expects to complete this phase of work in mid-February. The intersection of Washington Blvd and Gravelly Lake Drive will close at that time. The …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Update 12/2

Street lighting is on. The contractor will finish concrete in the coming weeks between Nyanza and Langlow. Utility work is ongoing. The paver is tentatively scheduled to be out the week of January 17.

JBLM-North Access Project Update 11/24

Project Update: The City was notified by the Transportation Improvement Board last Friday that it will be awarded the fuel tax dollars required to complete the second phase of the project. This means that construction along Washington Boulevard, Edgewood Avenue, North Gate Road, and Vernon Avenue will start sooner than previously anticipated. The City will bid the project in January …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update 11/12/21

The contractor has commenced work along the section of Gravelly Lake Drive between Veterans Drive and Washington Boulevard. They are moving along with the final segment of water main along Gravelly and will be spending the next two weeks completing the main, testing, tying it in to the existing mains, and connecting services. Crews have also removed the existing roadway …

JBLM-North Access Project Update

DETOUR REVISIONS. Work has begun on the section of Gravelly Lake Drive between Veterans Drive and Washington Boulevard. See the Detour Route section below to understand revisions to traffic patterns around the construction zone. Nyanza Road was opened to traffic Friday afternoon. It is anticipated that a few night closures will be required to place the top lift of pavement …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update 10/28/21

DETOUR REVISION. Commencing the afternoon of Friday October 28, Nyanza Road will reopen to all traffic. Drivers will have access to all roads within the project this upcoming weekend. Beginning Monday morning at 8:00, Gravelly Lake Drive will close at Veterans Drive for construction to occur between Veterans and Washington Blvd. This is expected to take until February, but is …

JBLM-North 10/21 Update

DETOUR REVISIONS. The opening of Gravelly Lake Drive has been delayed to Monday morning July 25 at 8:00 a.m. Beginning at that time, Nyanza Road will be closed to through traffic. After crews are able close Nyanza, they will open the section of Gravelly between Nyanza and Veterans Drive. This detour revision will allow crews to tie in the roundabout …

JBLM-North Project Update 10/15/21

DETOUR REVISION. Beginning Friday October 22, Nyanza Road will close for a short duration. During this timeframe, crews will tie the new roundabout at Gravelly and Nyanza to the existing roadway along Nyanza. The detour route will be along Gravelly Lake Drive as shown below. Drivers are advised that the intersection of Gravelly and Veterans, which has been placed into …

JBLM-North Access Update 10/8/21

Upcoming Detour Shift On Friday, 10/22/21 (provided the weather cooperates), the contractor will reopen Gravelly Lake Drive in all directions traffic for the weekend 10/22-10/24. Beginning Monday, 10/25/21, the contractor will close Nyanza Road (including the bypass that traffic is currently using to link between Nyanza and I-5/Pacific Highway) in order to tie in the Nyanza leg of the new …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update – 9/30/21

A traffic revision will occur Friday, October 1 at 7:00 a.m. along Gravelly Lake Drive between the ramp terminal intersections at I-5 and Pacific Highway. This revision will cause delays for vehicles entering the City. Moving traffic to a single lane will afford the contractor room to replace the storm drainage and pavement between Pacific Highway and Nyanza. That work …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Project Update 9/24/21

TRAFFIC CONTROL ALTERATION UPCOMING. Within the next week (weather dependent due to striping involvement), the contractor will make alterations to the traffic pattern between I-5 and Nyanza. The two west (north) bound lanes of Gravelly Lake Drive traveling from the ramp terminal intersections at I-5 to Pacific Highway will be reduced to one lane in order to install curb and …

JBLM-North Access Improvement Construction Update 9/16

The Contractor is nearing completion of the utilities inside of Stage 1, with just a few water services remaining to be connected to the new watermain. Curb, gutter, and sidewalk continues to be poured from Country Club Drive to Veterans Drive. The base lift of asphalt will be installed along Gravelly Lake Drive from the new roundabout at the south …

August 30, 2021

Storm drainage is complete from Nyanza to Veterans Drive. Water main has been installed and is in the process of being tested prior to being put into service. Water services will be connected following completion of the testing of the line. The street lighting and future art lighting conduit systems will be finished from Nyanza to Veterans immediately following the …