The City of Lakewood Comprehensive Plan guides the City’s overall strategy for growth and development over the next 20 years. It sets the goals and policies for items such as land use, economic development, housing, transportation, and the environment.
Following extensive public outreach and engagement and review and recommendation by the Lakewood Planning Commission, the Lakewood City Council adopted updates to the city’s Comprehensive Plan. This included updates that were part of the state-mandated periodic review, which is required every 10 years. The next periodic review will occur in 2034.
Comprehensive Plan
The most recent Comprehensive Plan update was adopted Jan. 25, 2025 by the Lakewood City Council. Adoption followed the city’s lengthy periodic review process, as required by state law.
Comprehensive Plan Updates
Once a year (generally in July), the City opens applications to update the Comprehensive Plan text, its implementing development regulations, and/or Lakewood’s land use and zoning maps.
This period is also an opportunity to request amendments to the city’s adopted subarea plans and/or regulations. During this period, members of the public can submit a requested amendment. If the City Council approves including the private application in the “docket list” of the amendment cycle, the City will assess the applicant for required fees to review the application.
Lakewood’s annual review process runs from the month following the call for applications until the following spring/summer. Study sessions and public hearings are held on proposed amendments at the Planning Commission and at the City Council level before the final action is taken.
Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application Forms:
- Comprehensive Plan Map or Zone Amendment (PDF)
- SEPA Checklist Form (PDF)
- Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Application Form (PDF)
Periodic Review Process
State law requires cities to complete a periodic review of adopted Comprehensive Plan and development regulations, including regulations for critical areas and natural resource lands. Lakewood completed this review in 2024 and will conduct its next review in 10 years.
Per state law, Comprehensive Plans and regulations must be up to date with the requirements of the Growth Management Act to be eligible for grants and loans from certain state infrastructure programs.
[email protected] or 253-512-2261
Planning Manager – Tiffany Speir
(253) 983-7702
Email: TSpeir
To email Tiffany Speir add her email handle before