DETOUR UPDATE: Langlow Street, Walnut Street and Pine Street located west of Gravelly Lake Drive will be closed to through traffic at Gravelly Lake Drive beginning Monday at 8:00 a.m. This route has seen a dramatic increase in vehicular traffic since the closure of Gravelly Lake Drive at Veterans Drive. Unfortunately, the road was not made for this level of traffic coupled with the freezing temperatures. Local access to residents living within this closure will be available at the Veterans Drive/Pine Street intersection. They will need to use Interlaaken Drive to Washington Boulevard for access.
CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: Though the weather has been cold and a little rainy, the contractor has made progress this week and is still progressing toward paving the roadway between Veterans and Washington at the end of the month. This paving will include restoring the asphalt at Langlow, Pine and Walnut. They remain ahead of schedule.
Utility contractors will begin relocating overhead lines along Gravelly between Pacific Highway and Nyanza next week. Once complete, the contractor will install sidewalks, and pave the road back to provide full access between Pacific Highway and Nyanza. Utility crews will also be relocating a power pole in the intersection of Gravelly Lake Drive and Veterans Drive. This relocation will be needed prior to reopening the Gravelly Lake Drive and Veterans Drive.