Subscribers will receive crucial text or email alerts in the event of an emergency.
The City of Lakewood has activated a new emergency alert service: Lakewood Alert.
In the event of an emergency, subscribers will receive alerts and updates by text or email. Subscribers may also elect to receive occasional non-emergency updates.
Emergency alerts might include natural disasters, chemical spills, violent crimes in progress, and other major threats. Subscribers would receive rapid notification and safety instructions. Non-emergency alerts might include large fires, major traffic issues, and community event notices.
Some emergencies only threaten a small area. In these situations, the City may issue a limited alert to nearby subscribers. Local alerts are based on information provided by users – user location is not tracked.
During the sign-up process, users are asked for their name, phone number, email address, and location. Users may provide multiple locations to receive alerts relevant to each.
To subscribe to Lakewood Alert, visit this link or text “Lakewood” to 99411. During signup, leave “General Notifications” checked to receive non-emergency alerts in addition to emergency alerts. After establishing an account, users may visit the same link to manage settings.
Visit the City of Lakewood’s Weather & Emergency page for updates on present emergencies, emergency contacts, information sources, and emergency preparedness information.
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