Council Corner: No City Council meeting Monday
There is no Lakewood City Council meeting Monday due to it being a fifth Monday of the month. Typically, the City Council meets four times a month: The first and third Mondays for regular meetings and second and fourth Mondays for study sessions.
The next regular meeting is Monday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. in Lakewood Council Chambers, 6000 Main Street SW. See tentative agenda items.
How to attend: Attend in person at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW; Join via Zoom (or dial 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID: 868 7263 2373), or watch live on the city’s YouTube channel.
What did the Lakewood City Council discuss at its Oct. 24, 2022 study session? Council heard an update from Lakewood Police Chief Mike Zaro on the third quarter crime statistics, reviewed a proposed property tax increase of 1% for 2023, reviewed the year-end budget adjustment and took a look at the city’s six-year financial forecast. Members also discussed a proposed ordinance aimed at preventing camping in public spaces, and reviewed the city’s policy on renaming/naming city places with the intent to name the public open space commonly referred to as Colonial Plaza.
Read a full roundup of the meeting.
Lakewood Fall Cleanup is Nov. 5-6
The Lakewood Fall Community Cleanup is Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 5 and 6 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (last vehicle admitted at 1:45 p.m.)
Bring trash, junk and recyclables to the Lakewood Transfer Station, 3869 94th Street SW. This event is for Lakewood residents only; a utility bill or ID is required to show proof of residence. Participants should be prepared to back up a steep ramp, unload all items yourself, bag all loose items and wear proper footwear.
Additional rules:
- 5 minute time limit to unload items
- No box vans or vehicles taller than 7 feet
- Trailers over 4-feet by 8-feet prohibited
- Unsafe vehicles may be cited
View a list of accepted and non-accepted items.
Celebrate Veterans Day
There are multiple ways to honor and remember those who dutifully served our country this Veteran’s Day.
The city of Lakewood will host a Veteran’s Day ceremony as part of the regular City Council meeting on Monday, Nov. 7, 2022 starting at 7 p.m. The public is invited to attend and join in this recognition that will feature Clover Park High School’s JROTC presenting the colors and the Lakes High School Choir singing the Armed Forces Medley and other songs.
Lakewood Elks dinner
Join the Lakewood Elks #2388 on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2022, from 5-8 p.m. for dinner to honor veterans. A ceremonial ritual begins at 6 p.m. All are invited. Veterans dine for free. Cost is $15, children 12 and under $7.50. The menu includes glazed spiral ham, bacon green beans, garlic mashed potatoes and green salad. Dessert will also be served with a coffee and tea service. Donations will be accepted for those wishing to sponsor a veteran.
Mayor Whalen’s Community Coffeehouse

Thank you to all who joined Mayor Jason Whalen at the October Community Coffeehouse. The evening’s focus was on road construction in the city. This included taking a look at what we’ve accomplished in recent years and what’s still to come.
View the slides from the presentation.
Celebrate the Pierce County Business Accelerator Program
Meet some of the most ambitious and diverse entrepreneurs and business leaders in Pierce County. Find new business partners, catering connections, eager clients, and new Pierce County products and services you didn’t know you needed!
Bring your coworkers, friends, and family for what is sure to be an unforgettable showcase celebration of the Pierce County Business Accelerator Program.
The event is Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022 from 5-7 p.m. at the McGavick Conference Center at Clover Park Technical College, 4500 Steilacoom Boulevard SW.
Launched in 2021, more than 200 entrepreneurs and business owners throughout the county have participated in the six-week program. The program fosters innovation and creates wealth-building opportunities with a focus on Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), veteran, and women-owned businesses. The city of Lakewood contributed $500,000 of its American Rescue Plan Act funds to support this program.
Through the program participants receive six weeks of traditional business training and access to grant funding to match capital raised for their business, assist with costs related to commercial rent or lease payments, and professional services.
Attendance at the event is free, but guests are asked to register online.
Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen talks libraries
The future of the downtown Lakewood library will be the topic of conversation Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. with Pierce County Councilmember Jani Hitchen and Pierce County Library System Executive Director Gretchen Caserotti.
Join in person at the Rotunda at Clover Park Technical College, 4500 Steilacoom Boulevard SW. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Updates and next steps will be addressed and people can ask questions to learn more.
Saturday Fun in Lakewood
3, 2, 1 – Launch!
Last weekend the city of Lakewood Parks and Recreation Department partnered with Pierce College to host the final event funded by its “No Child Left Inside” grant. Ninety local youth participated in the Rockets Away event hosted at the Pierce College Science Dome. Each session began with a one hour interactive presentation, followed by a one hour session where participants built and launched their own rockets. The grant allowed this event to be free for all families. We anticipate hosting more educational and fun events utilizing this new partnership in the future.
Grave Concerns work party
Last Saturday was a big day at Fort Steilacoom Park. Besides hosting the regular soccer crowd, the city supported a large cross country meet and the Grave Concerns organization had an interfaith work party. Over 40 members the Christ Lutheran Church, The Little Church on the Prairie and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints installed 39 new grave markers and groomed older markers at the historic patient cemetery. We are so grateful for the enthusiastic service of all those who participated.
Primley Park improvements are coming
This week the city’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Board held its regular meeting and as part of its agenda the advisory committee brainstormed potential improvements for Primley Park to be completed in 2023.
If you missed the meeting you can watch it on the city’s YouTube channel: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting of October 25, 2022
Clean Energy grants available from Commerce
Roughly $9.7 million is available for allocation from the Clean Energy Fund Building Electrification program. Funding is available for eligible building owners, and tenants with owner approval, in Washington to deploy and demonstrate building electrification strategies and technology to help achieve the state’s emission reduction goals for the building sector.
Building Electrification grants will support statewide clean energy strategies that align with the 2021 State Energy Strategy.
Who can apply?
- For-profit companies
- Non-profit organizations
- State, local, and federally recognized tribal governments, including K-12 public school districts and housing authorities
- Individual owners of commercial and multifamily residential buildings and tenants with owner approval
- Retail electric utilities
Applications are due Jan. 9, 2023, by 4 p.m.
Read more about the grant focus and priorities and how to apply.
Access library services in Lakewood
From book talks for adults and tech help, to family story time for all ages, the Pierce County Library System offers pop-up libraries and other services to the community, despite the closure of its downtown library branch building. Some programs are at the Tillicum Community Center, while others are at Lakewood City Hall. The Library System encourages people to visit nearby DuPont, Steilacoom, Tillicum and University Place libraries for access to books and programs.
Visit for up-to-date info on services and locations. Sign up to receive Lakewood and Tillicum building updates.
Wanted: Entries for Holiday Parade of Lights
Lakewood’s annual Holiday Parade of Lights and annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony return to Lakewood Towne Center this December and we need you to join the parade!
We are accepting applications now for those who want to be part of the fun. Sign up your business, organization, youth group or team and gain great visibility in front of the roughly 7,000 people that line the route specifically to see the floats and displays as they make their way to Lakewood City Hall.
Awards will be given for floats/displays in the categories of “Most Original”, “Most Spirited”, and “Best Overall Appearance”.
This year’s event is Saturday, Dec. 10 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The parade ends at Lakewood City Hall in time for the countdown to light the city Christmas tree.
Interested? Fill out at a parade application today.
Road project update
JBLM-North Access Improvement:
- Phase 1: Once all utility poles are removed the city’s contractor will pour the final sidewalk panels south of Nyanza Road.
- Phase 2: Work continued this week finishing up the final steps of this section of road improvements. Looking ahead to November, the city’s contractor is scheduled to pave Washington Boulevard between Edgewood and Vernon avenues Nov. 21-22, depending on weather (no heavy rains and temperatures above 35 degrees). The intersection of Washington Boulevard and Edgewood Avenue is expected to open on Nov. 22 (assuming paving occurs on schedule). The city negotiated with the contractor to open this roadway for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Following Thanksgiving, the intersection of Washington Boulevard and Vernon Avenue will close the morning of Nov. 28, 2022 and work on this intersection will begin. Read a more extensive update about this project on the project webpage.
Steilacoom Blvd, Weller to Custer: Sidewalk construction will stop on this project for the winter. This is due to a delay in when new signals will be available, which is the result of a number of factors outside the city and contractor’s control. During this down time the contractor is expected to continue working on the wall installation on the south side of Steilacoom Boulevard between Phillips and Weller roads so the project is ready when the poles are delivered.
Upcoming city events
- Nov. 5-6, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Lakewood Fall Community Cleanup at Lakewood Transfer Station, 3869 94th Street SW.
- Dec. 5, 2022, 5-7 p.m.: 7@Lakewood City Hall artist reception to meet and view artwork from seven local artists at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW. Light refreshments provided.
- Dec. 10, 4:30-5:30 p.m.: Lakewood Holiday Parade of Lights & Christmas Tree Lighting, downtown Lakewood and Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW.