Mayor Whalen’s Coffeehouse is Sept. 28
Join Mayor Jason Whalen for his next Community Coffeehouse on Thursday, Sept. 28 at 6 p.m. in the Pavilion at Fort Steilacoom Park.
We’ll meet inside this climate-controlled building. The topic is housing changes and what impacts recent legislation at the state level will have on local planning policies at the city level. Long-range planner and Special Projects Manager Tiffany Speir will lead the conversation about what impacts we can expect in Lakewood.
Save the date: Truck & Tractor Day

The kids are back in school, the temperatures are dipping in the evenings and the leaves are ever so slightly beginning to show pops of color.
Fall is just around the corner. And so is our favorite fall family event: Truck & Tractor Day! Save the date: Saturday, Oct. 14 from 12-3 p.m. Head to Fort Steilacoom Park and let the kids climb on big rigs, ride around Fort Steilacoom Park in the hay wagon and enjoy free activities. We’ll have a pumpkin patch, food vendors, free hardhats, free child activities, a giant slingshot and more. (Pumpkins may be limited to one per family, depending supply. Hard hats available while they last).
Vendor/event applications now available
Interested in getting your product or goods in front of Lakewood residents?
Truck & Tractor Day is Oct. 14, 2023 from 12-3 p.m. at Fort Steilacoom Park. We are looking for vendors and companies willing to bring their trucks, tractors or big-rigs for kids to climb on. Find the application online.
The application period is also open for anyone interested in participating in our annual holiday celebrations. The Holiday Parade of Lights & Christmas Tree Lighting is Dec. 9, 2023 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.
This success of this event relies on community participation. Individuals, groups, businesses, nonprofits, organizations, cub scouts, sports teams, school groups – everyone is invited to join the parade! Find more details in the parade entry application.
Fiesta flourishes at Fort Steilacoom
The second annual Fiesta de la Familia was a huge success. Held Sept. 9, 2023 at Fort Steilacoom Park, the free event brought together different cultures and traditions from across the world and community.
It also highlighted the work of local artists. High school student artist Sam Reed was awarded “Fan Favorite” in the Print NW sponsored contest showcasing Lakewood’s utility box wraps made by local artists. Artist Juan La Torre won the judged art show. If you haven’t seen his work save the date for Oct. 2 from 5-7 p.m. and meet Juan in person at an artist reception Oct. 2 from 5-7 p.m. at City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW.
Mayor Jason Whalen, Deputy Mayor Moss and Lakewood Councilmembers Mike Brandstetter, Paul Bocchi, Patti Belle and Trestin Lauricella were honored to host Mexican Consulate Deputy Consul Gerardo Guiza at the event. Together they welcomed the crowd and celebrated the new mural at the park with artist Angelina Villalobos Soto.
Public Hearing notice: Development Regulations
The Lakewood Planning Commission will hold a public hearing Sept. 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. on the city’s 2023 Annual Development Regulation Amendment Package.
People can submit comments in writing via mail, email or live during the meeting. Live comments can be delivered in person at Lakewood City Hall in Council Chambers, 6000 Main St SW, or via Zoom.
Send written comments to Karen Devereaux, Planning Commission Clerk, 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 or email [email protected]. Written comments received before noon on Sept. 20, 2023 will be provided to the Commission electronically that day.
To provide live virtual testimony at the meeting, join the Zoom meeting or call 253-215-8782 and enter 817 9372 3141.
Upcoming community events
Postcards from the Park
The Lakewood Historical Society & Museum in conjunction with the Pierce County Library System is proud to present “Postcards from the Park” by storyteller Teresa Andre on Friday, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m.
Discover a bit of history while you plan your next adventure based on historical postcards from Washington parks. Event is free and open to the public at the Museum, 6114 Motor Ave. SW in Lakewood.
Pierce County Council District 6 meeting
Pierce County Council District 6 Councilmember Jani Hitchen is hosting an in-district meeting Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 6:30 p.m. at DuPont City Hall.
Members of the Pierce County Council hold one in-district meeting per year. This provides consituents the opportunity to meet face-to-face with their Council representative and share with them things that are going on in the district.
The meeting will feature several transportation presentations, incuding long-term planning for the Pierce County ferry system.
Attend in person at DuPont City Hall, 1700 Civic Drive, or virtually via Zoom.
Fort Nisqually Candlelight Tour
Take a guided walking tour back in time and find yourself surrounded by the sights, smells and sounds of life in 1859 at Fort Nisqually. In this reality, candles and campfires illuminate the people and events of the night.
The Candlelight Tour takes place 6-9 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 6 and 7. Advance tickets are required and available online at Walking tours are approximately an hour in length and begin every 15 minutes. For questions about accessibility or for more information, call (253) 404-3970.
Council Corner: Sept. 11, 2023 recap
At its meeting Monday, the Lakewood City Council held a joint meeting with its Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board.
Economic Development Manager Becky Newton provided a thorough update on Economic Development happening in the city. The Economic Development division is focused on improving the economic well-being of Lakewood through efforts that increase job creation, job retention and tax base enhancements and quality of life.
Highlights of the presentation included a look at business retention and expansion in the city, recruitment and attraction of new business to the city, target area development, housing and community demographics and regional leadership and partnerships. There is a lot of good information in the presentation. View it online.
Council also reviewed the 2nd Quarter (2023) financial report at its meeting.
Watch the meeting.
What’s on Deck: The Lakewood City Council meets Monday, Sept. 18, 2023 at 7 p.m. for a regular meeting. Tentative agenda items include:
- Proclamation designating September 23, 2023 through October 1, 2023 as Blue Star Welcome Week
- West Pierce Fire & Rescue recognition of Lakewood Police Department
- Eagle Scout Recognition
- Authorizing the execution of an agreement with JA Brennan for the Edgewater Park Master Plan Update
- Accepting the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, in the amount of $45,000, for technological advancement for crime detection, response and protection
- Authorizing the execution of an amendment to the agreement with Doolittle Construction, for the 2023 Chip Seal Program
- Appointing Amelia Escobedo to serve on the Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board through December 31, 2026
- Resolution authorizing the City Manager to seek grant funding assistance managed through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for Lakewood Parks Maintenance
How to attend: Attend in person at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW; Join via Zoom (or dial 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID: 868 7263 2373), or watch live on the city’s YouTube channel.
Police Chief’s Corner
Lakewood Police Chief Patrick D. Smith wants Lakewood residents to know how the department is working for them. Each week he shares a summary that includes a look at total calls for service for the prior week and the types of crimes reported and responded to by police.
The intent of the summary is to share a snapshot of how the department works each week to keep the community safe. To see quarterly statistical analysis, visit the Lakewood Police Department crime statistics page on the city website.
Weekly Summary, Sept. 5-12, 2023
- Calls for Service: 1,058
- Arrests: 44
- Violent Crime: 32
- Property Crime: 102
- Traffic Stops: 101
- Collisions (reportable): 20
Do you ‘know when to go’ in an emergency?
With recent wildfires and corresponding smoke inundating our region on people’s minds, the four Western Washington counties of King, Pierce, Snohomish and Thurston are joining forces, along with partners, to launch a regional “Ready, Set, Go!” evacuation campaign.
Learn the evacuation levels and read more.
Sign up for Lakewood Alert
The City of Lakewood uses an alert service: Lakewood Alert to notify residents of important information.
If there is an emergency in the city that requires public notification, we will use this alert system to send out information related to the emergency. An example of when we recently used this is the Aug. 16 fire in Fort Steilacoom Park. In partnership with West Pierce Fire & Rescue and our West Pierce Emergency Management Coalition, we used the system to notify people of voluntary evacuation orders.
Subscribers can sign up to receive text and email alerts. People can also sign up for important non-emergency updates including information about road impacts from large events in the city or information about special events.
Find out more and sign up today.
Work for the city of Lakewood
We’re hiring! Looking to change careers? Looking for a new job? Ready to re-enter the job market?
Join the city of Lakewood! We have a variety of positions open across multiple departments. Lakewood offers a competitive benefits package. We are part of the state retirement system (PERS). And the city is a beautiful place to work.
Find a current list of open positions online.
Road project updates
Washington Boulevard
Curb and sidewalk pours began along Washington Boulevard between Lake City and 83rd Street SW this week. Next week on Thursday, Sept. 21 the city’s Contractor will have the road closed between Vernon and Edgewood during the day. Flaggers will be in place at each roundabout. The closure is so the Cicity’s contractor can clean the stormwater catch basin filtration system.
A second closure is planned for the following week, Tuesday, Sept. 26 for the replacement of the catch basin filters.
Angle Lane/Elwood Drive
Turning on the streetlights is delayed due to theft of material for the lights. This theft setback this portion of the project and it is unknown how long it will take for replacement items to arrive.
Union Ave: Orchard to Spruce Street
Construction began Monday on Union Avenue between Orchard and Spruce streets. Despite the single-lane closure businesses located within this section of roadway are open. Please show support by continuing to shop/purchase items from these businesses during construction. This project will construct curbs, sidewalks and street lighting on the side of Union Avenue closet to Interstate 5. It will be a quick project, taking no more than 6-7 weeks to complete.