The City of Lakewood is accepting applications to fill one (1) position representing the private property owners on the on the American Lake – Lake Management District Advisory Committee. The term of the vacant position is June 2, 2025 through June 2, 2028.
DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the American Lake – Lake Management District No. 1 Advisory Committee is to represent the property owners of the Lake Management District (LMD) to the City Council, and (1) each spring discuss with the City the proposed annual work program consistent with the American Lake Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (or its successors); (2) provide input and suggestions to the City regarding the implementation of the district’s annual work program; (3) work with the City in the preparation of any educational materials related to American Lake and the LMD; (4) each winter, review and provide input to the City on the preparation of an annual report to the City of Lakewood City Council regarding progress on the LMD work program and the health of the lake; and (5) support an annual public meeting to brief LMD members on the contents of the annual report and related LMD activities.
QUALIFICATIONS: Members of the Advisory Committee shall be selected from individuals who own property within the LMD. Intent of the selection process shall be to proportionally represent the various property types identified in the district assessment roll. No private property owners shall serve longer than two consecutive terms. Members of the Advisory Committee shall fully comply with RCW 42.23, Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers; RCW 42.36, Appearance of Fairness; Chapter 1.32 Lakewood Municipal Code, Lakewood Code of Ethics; and such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the City Council regulating the conduct of any person holding appointive office within the City.
MEMBERSHIP: Appointments shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the City Council. Advisory Committee members shall be selected without respect to political affiliations.
TERMS OF OFFICE: Each private property owner member shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years.
MEETINGS: The Advisory Committee shall determine a regular meeting schedule (time, place, and frequency), as necessary, but no less frequently than once every three (3) months. Notice of all meetings shall be published on the City’s website. All meetings shall be open to the public.
APPLICATIONS: An application is attached and also available by clicking here.
DEADLINE: Friday, April 18, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
QUESTIONS: Please contact City Clerk Briana Schumacher at 253-983-7705 or by email at [email protected]