The City of Lakewood’s Planning division creates and updates Lakewood’s Comprehensive Plan. It also drafts updates to land use development regulations as mandated by the state through the Growth Management Act, the Shoreline Management Act, the State Environmental Policy Act, or as directed by the Lakewood City Council.
The Lakewood Planning Commission will hold multiple public study sessions to review 12 proposed amendments to the city’s Comprehensive Plan. A public hearing is scheduled for April 2, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. Find the meeting details here.
The proposed amendments are:
2025-01 “Co-Living Housing” Amendments for consistency with ESHB 1998
2025-02 Updates to Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element, Parks Element, and Utilities Element for consistency with E2SHB 1181 (Climate Change & Resiliency)
2025-03 Updates to Lakewood development regulations regarding “middle housing” for consistency with E2SHB 1110
2025-04 Regulatory amendments for consistency with SB 5792 “Concerning the definition of multiunit residential buildings”
2025-05 Regulatory amendments regarding residential parking for consistency with SSB 6015
2025-06 Technical updates to the Municipal Code to reincorporate previous Civic Use regulations; update LMC 18A.10.180 (Definitions) to include “religious assembly”; amendments to LMC 18A.40.080 (A) to allow religious organizations in various land use zones; and amendments to LMC 18A.40.080 (A) to allow day care centers in real property owned or controlled by religious organizations in the MR1 and MR2 zones
2025-07 2025-2029 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Plan
2025-08 Private request for parcel 0319061001 to be redesignated/rezoned from exclusively Air Corridor (AC) / Air Corridor 1 (AC1) to “split zoning” of AC / AC1 and Industrial (I) / Industrial 1 (I1).
2025-09 Review, and if needed, amend, the Lakewood Regional Growth Center (RGC) and the Downtown Subarea Plan, Regulations, and Planned Action for consistency with PSRC’s Regional Centers Framework Requirements
2025-10 Redesignate / Rezone parcel 5140001191 from Downtown / Central Business District (CBD) to Open Space and Recreation (OSR) / Open Space and Recreation 2 (OSR 2.)
2025-11 Review LMC 18A.40.110 (B)(1)(e) to consider amending the minimum square footage for accessory dwelling units (ADUs.)
2025-12 Recognize RCW 35A.21.440 and RCW 36.70A.130 regarding allowing new housing in “existing buildings”, as defined herein, zoned commercial or mixed-use in the Lakewood Municipal Code.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2025 new Comprehensive Plan and development regulations took effect. This includes updates that were done as part of the city’s 2024 Periodic Review process. These updates are now reflected in the planning documents and Lakewood Municipal Code. View more information about the comprehensive plan by clicking the Comprehensive Plan icon at the top of this page.
Natural Environment and Climate Change
In 2025, the City of Lakewood is developing a Natural Environment and Climate Change (NECC) Program that consolidates adopted policies, priorities, and action items from several focus areas – urban forestry and tree canopy work, climate change and resiliency, and energy efficiency into a single implementation plan. Details regarding environmental protection and actions can be found at the webpages linked below:
[email protected] or 253-512-2261
Planning Manager – Tiffany Speir
(253) 983-7702
Email: TSpeir
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