Monday, March 7, 2022
(Regular Meeting)
City Council declared March “Red Cross Month” and acknowledged the historic efforts of the American Red Cross to meet the mission of its founder, Clara Barton: “You must never think of anything except the need, and how to meet it.” City Council also issued a proclamation to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of Lakeview Light & Power.
Living Access Support Alliance (LASA) Executive Director Janne Hutchins provided an update on homelessness prevention and other services for vulnerable persons. LASA shelters about 75 families a year and provides other assistance to many more families to preserve shelter and dignity. LASA will break ground on a new hygiene center this spring to offer shower and laundry services to families and people in need.
Jesse Black and Denise Franklin were appointed to join the ad hoc Tree Advisory Committee. The committee will work together and factor community opinion to form a consensus on code amendments to be presented to the Planning Commission in June, and later by City Council.
City Manager John Caulfield provided a series of updates:
- On Thursday, March 10, the Alliance Northwest Purchasing Forum will be held virtually to convene governments and businesses to network and educate businesses about government procurement processes and opportunities.
- The Lakewood Police Department has begun its body-worn camera pilot program. 15 officers have been outfitted with cameras for a 90-day trial period as the department tests the equipment and corresponding policies.
- On Saturday, March 12, City Council will gather for a special retreat to consider solutions to homelessness. City Council will review situation reports, hear from subject matter experts, and discuss policy.
- The City is preparing to launch “Lakewood Alert“, a new emergency notification system. Emergency information can be found on the City’s homepage under “Weather & Emergency“.
Next Meetings:
- March 14, 2022 Study Session
- March 12, 2022 (Saturday) Special Meeting