A group of people stand outside the Lakewood Police station

Citizens Academy

The Lakewood Police Department Citizens Academy is an annual event where the public can learn about the police from an inside view. The academy includes classroom-style teaching as well as hands-on training from Lakewood police staff.

Citizens Academy
Tuesdays, 6:30-9 p.m.
June 11 – August 6, 2024
Lakewood Police Station
9401 Lakewood Dr SW

Past Citizen Academies


The Lakewood Citizens Academy is an annual event hosted by the Lakewood Police Department. Held at the police station, this is an opportunity for residents to learn about police operations first-hand from Lakewood officers, detectives and command staff.

Weekly topics offer snapshots of what police learn as part of their training to become sworn officers. This includes patrol responsibilities, criminal investigations, child abuse cases, K9 officers, the city’s Behavioral Health Contact Team, use of force and how the court system works in Lakewood and Pierce County.


  • Interactive training from police officers that allows to you to better understand the world of police work in your community.
  • Experience the same training as our officers:
    • Emergency vehicle operations course driving: Participants will get behind the wheel of a patrol car and maneuver it through a slow-speed course.
    • Virtual reality firearms training: Students will face “real-life” experiences and encounters to learn how officers have to make split-second decisions when on duty.
  • Have direct access to our officers, detectives and command staff to ask questions.


Applicants must fill out a form to be considered for the Lakewood Citizen Academy. Spots are limited to 24, so not every application may be accepted. The application period is now closed for the 2024 academy.

Applicants will be contacted by a representative from the Lakewood Police Department about their application and to update them on its status during the review process.

By applying applicants agree to a criminal background check as part of the review and selection process into the academy.

Past Citizens Academies

Attendees look through a Lakewood police car
Lakewood police officer giving a tour of a police car
Lakewood police officer giving a tour of a police car
Lakewood police officer giving a tour of a police car
Lakewood police officer speaking in front of a classroom of people
Lakewood police officer speaking in front of a classroom of people