Winter Safety: Snow & Ice, Road Conditions, Extreme Cold

Snow & ice on roadways can be extremely dangerous. LPD reported dozens of accidents on the first day of a December 2021 snow event.


Snow & ice can be hazardous on roads or around your home.

Around the House
  • SIDEWALKS: Residents are encouraged to clear snow from sidewalks adjacent to their property.
  • HEART ATTACKS: Sudden exertion in cold weather can trigger heart attacks. Shovel slowly; take it easy.
On the Roads
  • PLOW ROUTES: See the map below for plow routes. Lakewood’s most-traveled roads are cleared first. Not all roads are plowed.
  • DO NOT PASS PLOWS: Be patient with plows. Keep your distance. Stay back and do not attempt to pass working plows.
Lakewood’s Snow & Ice Priority Routes


In the event of cold weather, warming centers typically open throughout Pierce County. If your home becomes unsafely cold, please seek shelter in a local warming center.

Pierce Transit usually offers free rides to warming/cooling centers during extreme weather.


Prepare your family & home for winter

Power outages, slips and falls on ice, extreme cold, and other hazards are common in winter. A few small preparations may prove valuable if a winter storm hits.

  • FEMA recommends the preparation of a simple disaster kit
  • Do not use propane-, charcoal-, or gas-burning generators or stoves inside
  • Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Inspect your gutters, doors, windows, chimney, and the rest of your house
Prepare your vehicle for winter
  • Inspect your tire condition, tread depth, and type
  • Store a snow brush and ice scraper in the car
  • Ensure that floor mats do not interfere with pedals
  • Replace wiper blades, if needed
  • Have your vehicle inspected (battery, fluids, brakes, etc)