Mission: Develop a long-range action plan that assesses existing conditions, identifies opportunities for improvements and establishes a framework of implementable and measurable action items that are designed to improve the quality of life in the JBLM Region while balancing military readiness and community interests.
The 2022 GCP builds on and updates the 2010 GCP. The current effort assesses the continued relevance of the strategies and priorities described in the 2010 GCP and, based on the assessment, modifies SSMCP Work Plan priorities. Many of the work plan recommendations outlined in the 2010 GCP have been completed. Likewise, the SSMCP has spearheaded the completion of the 2015 Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) and most of its recommendations.
Document Sections
Business & Economic Development
Business & Economic Development ECR
Business & Economic Development Needs and Recommendations
Business & Economic Development Strategy Sheets
Business & Economic Development Working Group Table
Education & Childcare
Education & Childcare ECR
Education & Childcare Needs and Recommendations
Healthcare ECR
Healthcare Needs and Recommendations
Healthcare Strategy Sheets
Healthcare Table
Housing ECR
Housing Needs and Recommendations
Housing Strategy Sheets
Housing Working Group Table
Social Services
Social Services ECR
Social Services Needs and Recommendations
Social Services Strategy Sheets
Social Services Working Group Table
Transportation ECR
Transportation Needs and Recommendations
Transportation Strategy Sheets
Transportation Working Group Table
Other Sections for Reference
GCP Participation Program
Memorandum of Agreement
GCP Update Process
Complete GCP Document