Members of the Washington National Guard prepare canned food items to be distributed to food banks across Pierce County.

Stay Home Lakewood

April 10, 2020

Thank you to all of our residents abiding by Gov. Jay Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order and only leaving your homes for essential services like grocery store visits or trips to the pharmacy or doctor.

For those who are essential employees like our healthcare workers, first responders and those in our grocery stores, food banks and truck drivers helping to make sure our store shelves are stocked, thank you for continuing to put yourself on the frontlines during this pandemic.

We know with the warming temperatures and the sunshine it is easy to want to visit your favorite outdoor spot, but we urge all residents to continue to stay at home unless you absolutely have to leave. Residents should not drive anywhere except for an essential service or to pick up a to-go order from a local restaurant. Please limit your grocery store visits to as few as possible, trying only to go out when you need to restock.

And if you do have to go out, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone where a cloth mask over your nose and mouth to help limit the spread of disease. People should also continue to distance themselves from others when out, and continue with faithful handwashing of 20 seconds or longer, and use of hand sanitizer if handwashing is not immediately available.

As Inslee noted in a video earlier this week: “If we behave like we have gone back to normal, if we stop physical distancing, it could undo all our progress. It could get more people sick. It could get people killed.”

Please Lakewood, stay home so we can stop the spread of COVID-19. We are in this together.