White text that reads City of Lakewood Update over a blue-screen background with a photo of Lakewood City Hall behind it,

Helping Jamestown Estate residents

Aug. 11, 2023

The Lakewood community experienced tragedy last week. That’s when a fire ripped through the Jamestown Estate Mobile Home Park. In total 23 people, including nine children, lost their housing due to the fire.

City Manager John Caulfield shared what is being done to help.

Addressing the Lakewood City Council Monday, Caulfield said community partners are working together. This includes the Clover Park School District, West Pierce Fire & Rescue and the American Red Cross. The loan company for the park is also involved and its insurer.

Lakewood staff from the city’s housing program contacted all residents this week. The city is working to help them apply for relocation help. The money would come from federal housing funds passed through to the city. The city is working with residents who don’t meet the requirements to find other help.

Lakewood-based Living Access Support Alliance (LASA) is also helping. LASA is coordinating the re-housing effort. It is also connecting people with resources to replace lost items. This includes food, furniture and household needs. LeMay offered to remove the burned debris from the property. Cleanup will begin once the fire investigation is complete.

City leaders and staff extend sympathy to the residents and their families. Losing loved ones, pets and friends in such a tragic way is heartbreaking. Nothing can ever replace what was lost.

Lakewood staff will continue to coordinate resources for the residents. As families begin to rebuild, the City hopes to assist and make it as easy as possible for them to access services.