An image of Chambers Creek with tall trees and water flowing

Public Hearings planned on Lakewood development and shorelines

A picture of a stream, Chambers Creek, in Lakewood.

Sept. 27, 2024

On TWednesday, Oct. 2 there are multiple public hearings planned that involve Lakewood planning.

The Lakewood Planning Commission will hold two public hearing at its regular meeting that starts at 6:30 p.m. The hearings will be on the draft list of 2025 Comprehensive Plan amendments and on proposed regulations to govern manufactured home parks and camping and recreational vehicle parks. Attend in person or via Zoom. Find meeting details including how to join virtually on the meeting agenda.

Also happening on Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m. the city and state Department of Ecology will hold a joint public hearing on locally-initiated amendments to the city’s Shoreline Master Program. These amendments are necessary to bring the city’s document inline with changes recently made to the city’s Critical Areas Ordinance. Specifically, these change address riparian buffers, and which waterbodies are governed under the Shoreline Master Program or the Critical Areas Ordinance. Attend the meeting in person or through Zoom. More details are online.