To: Mayor, City Council
From: John J. Caulfield, City Manager
How the City used its CARES Act funds from the state
In 2020, the City of Lakewood received a total of $2.685 million dollars in CARES Act funds through the state of Washington. These funds were used for COVID-19 related expenses incurred between March 1, 2020 and November 30, 2020 by small and commercial businesses, residential landlords for tenant rental assistance, community partners, non-profits, other government entities, and the City of Lakewood.
On March 27, 2020, the federal government passed the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The purpose of the CARES Act was to provide fast and direct economic assistance for individuals, businesses, and local governments. Specific to local governments in Washington, CARES Act funds were designed to be used to cover expenses that meet all three of the following criteria:
- Necessary expenditures caused by the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19.
- Expenditures not accounted for in a budget approved as of March 27, 2020.
- Expenditures incurred from March 1, 2020 to November 30, 2020.
CARES Act funds were provided directly to jurisdictions across the country with populations of over 500,000. Given this population threshold, the City of Lakewood, with a population of around 60,000, did not directly receive CARES Act funds from the federal government.
However, in May 2020, Governor Jay Inslee announced that the State of Washington would share a portion of its CARES Act funds it received from the federal government with Washington cities and counties that did not meet the 500,000-population threshold.
In the first of what ended up being two rounds of state CARES Act funding, the state provided cities and counties that did not receive CARES Act funds directly a per capita distribution of $30 with a minimum distribution of $25,000 for cities and $250,000 for counties. As a result of this allocation, for the first round, the City of Lakewood received $1.79 million in state allocated CARES Act funds.
In late August, Governor Inslee announced a second round of funding that allocated a total of $126 million to cities and towns of under 500,000 population. For the City of Lakewood, this amounted to an additional $895,050 in state CARES Act funds.
With these two rounds, the City of Lakewood received a total of $2,685,150 in CARES Act funds from the state.
In June, the Lakewood City Council adopted a set of principles area to guide the allocation of these funds.
The principles areas established were:
- Individual and Family Economic Resilience
- Business Assistance
- Vital Government Services
The following table provides a breakdown of how the City used its CARES Act funding from the state within each of the Lakewood City Council’s principle areas and subcategories within each area.

Want to take a dynamic look at how the City used its CARES Act funds from the state? Check our the City’s CARES Act Dashboard by clicking here.
Individual and Family Economic Resilience
In total 861K (32%) of the City’s CARES Act funds from the state were allocated to programs and entities that supported individual and family economic resilience. Specifically, funding in this category went to support:
- individuals in the community with rental assistance;
- local community groups and non-profits to sustain safe services and programming; and
- local childcare providers to provide safe services.
The bulk of the funds in this area went to help individuals with residential rental assistance. The City provided $621K of these funds to Living Access Support Alliance (LASA) in order for LASA to pay landlords and lenders rent for households impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. To qualify for these funds, a household’s total combined income had to be $60,000 per year or less (120% of the area median income).
The City also provided funds to the following community partners:
- Communities in Schools Lakewood
- Greater Lakes Mental Health
- Pierce County AIDS Foundation
- Rebuilding Hope! Sexual Assault Center
- Tacoma Community House
- Pierce County Library
These funds were used to provide additional case management, food and basic needs, virtual and in-person programming and services, facility safety and technology improvements, and personal protection equipment.
The City of Lakewood also created the Child Care Provider Grant which distributed a total of $47,656 to 23 licensed child care providers in Lakewood to increase safety measures and help maintain healthy environments at their facilities.

Business Assistance
In total, $1.04M (around 39%) of the City’s CARES Act funds from the state were distributed to Business Assistance programs.
With these funds, the City created the Small Business Coronavirus Relief Fund Grant, which was available to independently owned Lakewood businesses with 20 or fewer employees. Businesses that met these criteria were allowed to apply for up to $10,000 in grant funds for COVID-19 related expenses. In total, the City allocated $667K to this program, which in turn provided grants to 72 Lakewood small businesses.

With the second round of funding from the state, the City created the Lakewood Commercial Landlord Coronavirus Relief Fund Grant and allocated just over $370K to this program. This grant program provided rental relief to Lakewood commercial landlords that lost revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provided up to $5,000 per month per location and up to six and a half (6.5) months of assistance, for a maximum of $37,500, for each tenant that a landlord has within a property.

Vital Government Services
The City allocated a total of 787K of the City’s CARES Act funds from the state to support government services. This included providing funding to government services external to the City that did not directly receive CARES Act funds from the federal government. Funds were used for COVID-19 related expense and projects, including covering residential utility bills.
External to the City
A total of $245,872 (9%) of the City’s CARES Act funds from the state were provided to public partners, including:
- West Pierce Fire and Rescue
- Pierce County Library
- Lakewood Water District (for covering residents’ utility bills)
- Nourish Pierce County
Internal City Uses
A total of 541K (20%) of the City’s CARES Act funds from the state were used for COVID-19 related facility safety improvements, acquiring new technology to expand the City’s remote capabilities, personal protection equipment for employees and the public attending City events and meetings, and for payroll reimbursement.

In the CARES Act, Congress also provided $5 billion for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs. The City received two special allocations of (CDBG) funds totaling $807,337 for COVID-19 related expenses. Funds can be used for the following activities:
- Public service activities
- Housing-related activities
- Public improvements and facilities
- Activities to acquire real property
- Economic development activities
- General administrative and planning activities
To date, the City has used these funds for the CDBG Coronavirus Business Grant and the COVID-19 Emergency HOME Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program. More information will follow on these funds and programs.
CARES ACT Funding Dashboard
COVID-19 vaccine information & CDC recommendations for the holidays
As the first doses of a COVID-19 vaccine are given over the next few weeks, there has been quite a bit of media coverage regarding the vaccines and the vaccination process. As with many issues these days, there is some information out there that ranges from slightly off-base to completely untrue.
As we have since the beginning of this pandemic, the City continues to follow guidance from our trusted medical experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), and the local Tacoma/Pierce County Health Department (TPCHD).
Below are some links to reliable sources that provide information on the vaccine. The CDC site, in particular, has a range of information, to include detailed scientific data on the safety and efficacy of the current vaccine.
CDC Website:
Washington State DOH website:
Washington State DOH vaccination prioritization: Note, that more guidance on prioritization phases 1B, 2 and 3 will be coming soon. The Washington State Immunizations Information System (WIIS) will be used for tracking COVID-19 Vaccine. This system is currently used for the tracking of other vaccines as well.
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department website on vaccine information (TPCHD):
CDC Holiday Travel Recommendations
I recognize that the holidays are a time when people want to be near and enjoy the company of their families and loved ones. In this unprecedented time, I urge everyone all to be cautious and safe over the course of the next few weeks.
The CDC continues to recommend postponing travel and staying home over the holidays, as this is the best way to protect yourself and others this year.
To learn more about CDC Holiday Travel recommendations visit here.
City soliciting for candidates to fill anticipated Lakewood City Council vacancy
It is anticipated that there will be a vacancy on the Lakewood City Council (Position 5) on December 31, 2020 when Councilmember John Simpson’s resignation becomes effective. Pursuant to RCW 42.12.070 the City Council will have 90 days to appoint a qualified candidate to fill the vacant position.
City Council Position 5 is up for election in the 2021 General Election. The person elected for this position will assume office immediately after the 2021 General Election is certified.
The City asks Lakewood residents interested in filling this anticipated vacancy on the Lakewood City Council to submit the following:
- A one-page (1) letter of interest confirming their Lakewood residency, identifying why they are interested in serving the community in this capacity, and summarizing their qualifications.
- Candidates should also attach a resume to this letter of interest.
Applicants must ensure these documents are received by the City Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
Documents may be mailed to Lakewood City Hall, Attention: City Clerk 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499 or emailed to Attention: City Clerk at [email protected].
The Lakewood City Council’s goal is to appoint a new councilmember to this anticipated vacancy no later than the March 15, 2021 Lakewood City Council Regular Meeting.
The City of Lakewood is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer that encourages, supports, and celebrates respect, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion for all. We welcome your contributions!
Upcoming City services holiday closures
City services will be closed Friday, Dec. 25 in observation of the Christmas holiday and Friday, Jan. 1, 2020 for New Year’s Day.
City services will resume Dec. 26 and Jan. 2., respectively.
Let’s Pay It Forward
In this season – a season of challenge and a season of hope – please remember that kindness is contagious too. Here in Lakewood, we celebrate our ability to be there for one another.
One more reason to #BuildYourBetterHere.
“Reverse” Parade of Lights showcases holiday cheer
Last Saturday, over 1,000 cars drove through the City’s “Revere” Parade of Lights which featured over 17 floats and vehicles from a variety of community partners, businesses, organizations, and groups.
Did you miss the parade? You can watch a video of the procession below.
You can also take a look at our photo album of the parade here.
I want to express a huge thank you to all that participated:
- US Army (Humvees & more!)
- America United Pageants
- Original House of Donuts
- City of Lakewood
- West Pierce Fire and Rescue
- Genes Towing
- Braudway Towing
- Pierce Transit
- Bricks For Kids
- Tucci & Sons
- Clover Park School District
- “Lakewood Moms”Pinnacle Lumber
- Outlaw Fire Rescue LLC
- Lakes HS Cheer Team
- Larchmont Christian Ministries
- Wheels of Boom (Seahawk/Seattle sports themed vehicles)
Additionally, congratulations to float winners:
Best Theme: Whoville by Lakewood Moms
Most Spirited: Original House of Donuts – Original House of Donuts
Most Original: Candy Land Winter Wonderland – Clover Park School District
Public Works Engineering’s 2020 Holiday Charity Drive a huge success
For the past sixteen years, members of the City’s Public Works Engineering Department (PWE) have organized some form of charitable act or drive to help support the greater Lakewood community during the holiday season.
Even with the pandemic, this year was no different as PWE hosted a 2020 Holiday Charity Drive.
As they have done in the past four years, PWE’s 2020 Holiday Charity Drive raised funds to purchase toys for youth in the Tillicum and Woodbrook neighborhoods in collaboration with the Tillicum Community Center (TCC).
For the drive, PWE collected cash donations then purchased toys at shops in Lakewood and delivered these goods to TCC. Last week, TCC organized a time for parents and guardians to come select gifts for their children. In the past, this event has provided gifts for around 60 families.
In total, donations collected by PWE allowed for the purchase of over $3,300 in charitable gifts for youths in Woodbrook and Tillicum.

Since arriving at the City, PWE Compliance Inspector Diana Halar has spearheaded PWE’s holiday drives and charitable acts.
Ms. Halar expressed that the event is “[A] way to give back. Our department enjoys doing this event every year. This year was a bit tougher because we couldn’t really be together but it still made the holiday season feel good… CJ provided a glimmer of hope in 2020”.”
While purchasing toys at the Target in Lakewood Towne Center, Ms. Halar asked Target employee CJ to help her identify toys that older youth (16-18 years) would enjoy.
“[CJ] graciously helped me, running around Target finding deals, finding the things that that age group would enjoy… [CJ] is 18 years old, working, proudly working I may say, and full of heart and personality. He was making sure the items I chose were cool.”
When Ms. Halar told CJ the reason why she was purchasing all of the toys, he immediately offered to help by making a considerable donation to the toy drive.
“I told him, no he didn’t need to do that. He absolutely wanted too. I graciously, and with tears in my eyes, accepted the money from him, and promptly bought more for the Tillicum Community Center… There is a lot of goodness in 2020.”
Ms. Halar reached out to Target management and CJ’s parents to express how much his actions meant to her and how his donation would positively impact the community. Neither were surprised at CJ’s benevolent action. After hearing about what CJ did, Target management replied “he is a great kid.”
I could not agree more. To CJ, Ms. Halar, the rest of the PWE department, and all others that contributed to this drive – well done your actions are a positive reflection on this community.
25th Anniversary Art Contest
The City of Lakewood will be turning 25 in 2021!
To celebrate this momentous occasion, the City will be holding a number of special events throughout the year.
We are kicking it off with the City of Lakewood’s 25th Anniversary Art Contest!

The arts have an amazing ability to create a sense of togetherness and to celebrate diversity, belonging, and community. The arts can help decrease stress and reduce loneliness, as well as provide opportunities to reflect and process experiences and feelings, to help imagine our future, and to connect us through our common humanity.
The 25th Anniversary Art Contest has two themes.
Theme #1: Unity – Local artists are asked to create a reflection of their experiences, memories, hopes, and feelings based on the theme of Unity. The theme was developed by Hank Jones of the Lakewood Youth Council.
Theme #2: Love Lakewood – Local artists are asked to create a reflection of what they love about Lakewood. This can be any number of things, including people, places, memories, events, traditions, food, etc.!
Artists can submit one entry per theme.
For more information on the contest including how to enter, age categories, cash prize amounts and raffles, check out:
We look forward to seeing all of your amazing works of art.
There is no entry fee to participate in this contest.
Contest submission deadline is January 15, 2021
Prizes are sponsored by TwinStar Credit Union
Raffles sponsors include TwinStar Credit Union, Pierce County Library, Lakewood Sister Cities Association, and Lakewood Chamber of Commerce.
Stocking Stuffer: Latest Lakewood Connections Magazine arrives
Check your stocking…or mailbox for the latest edition of the City’s Lakewood Connections Magazine. Magazines should be in resident mailboxes this week.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll find in this edition of the Connections Magazine:
- Lakewood continues proactive approach on state priorities.
- Gimhae provides extraordinary gift to tackle COVID-19.
- All Rise! Meet Judge Lisa Mansfield.
- Crime continues to drop in 2020.
- It Takes a Village: Creating a sustainable human services system in Lakewood.
- What’s going on around town: Updates on the latest City projects and major developments.
- Summer Jam: Lakewood Farmers Market shines.
- Winter is coming & the City is ready!
- Over the line? Learn more about your property lines.
- Upcoming Events, including the City’s 18th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Ceremony (virtual)
Want to read the magazine now? You can view it here.
18th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration – Virtual Event
The City of Lakewood is excited to announce that it will be having its 18th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration in 2021. Due to COVID-19, this event is scheduled to be held virtually on Thursday, January 14th at 6:00 p.m.
The pre-recorded event will include a 30-minute video featuring various community members, performances by local artists, and a keynote speaker. More information on the event, including a full event program, will be posted shortly here.

Date: Thursday, January 14th
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual. The event will be posted here, as well as the City’s and partner organization’s social media accounts.
City’s Parks and Recreation Facebook
The pre-recorded event will be posted at 6:00 p.m. on January 14th and will be viewable any time after that.
The City is ready to respond to snow & ice
Can you feel it in the air? Winter is only a few days away.
Here at the City, our operations and maintenance crew are ready for the snow and ice.
The City’s arsenal of snow plowing equipment includes one ten-yard dump truck with plow and salt spreader, two five-yard dump trucks with plows and salt spreaders, two 1,000-gallon brine tanks for one of the five-yard dump trucks, one 500-gallon brine tanks for the 1-ton flatbed truck, and one 10,000-gallon brine storage tank and five trucks with plows.
The City has designated priority routes for snow and ice events (see maps). Priority Level 1 routes include the City’s main arterials, the “big” streets which are high-capacity, such as Bridgeport Way SW and Steilacoom Boulevard, to name a few. We also focus on necessary access for first responders.
In addition to plowing, the City’s crews also apply anti-icing treatments on roadways to prevent snow and ice from sticking (bonding) to the road in freezing temperatures. The City’s anti-icing treatments is a salt brine, which is a solution of sodium chloride and table salt. This type of brine is the safest and most cost-effective anti-icing product available for our needs in the Western Washington climate.

To see a video of the city’s trucks in action, click here.
Check out WSDOT’s latest blog on keeping roads open during winter here.
Pierce County Superior Court to participate in pilot Eviction Resolution Program
Many landlords and tenants have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Currently there are both federal and state mandates in place prohibiting evictions based on the nonpayment of rent. Once those mandates end, Pierce County expects a large number of eviction cases to be filed in Superior Court.
To address this anticipated increase in eviction cases, Pierce County Superior Court has established a no cost Eviction Resolution Program (ERP) which will require parties to engage in problem-solving steps before the cases come to court.
The ERP is being offered at no cost. It is funded from federal CARES Act monies.
In Pierce County, Tacoma-Pierce County Housing Justice Project and Pierce County Center for Dialogue and Resolution are providing the staffing for this program.
Learn more about the ERP here and Pierce County’s participation in this program here.
Care Connect Washington
The Washington State Department of Health announced the launching of a new service, Care Connect Washington, on December 9, 2020.
Care Connect Washington is a program for people who have either tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed and need support to isolate or quarantine at home.
Care coordinators will connect people to community-based services, such as:
- medication delivery
- health care
- help applying for unemployment
- local housing agencies
- food banks
- childcare providers
- and more
The Washington Department of Health, working with local health jurisdictions and their partners, will introduce Care Connect Washington on a region-by-region basis.
Care Connect Washington is funded by federal monies supporting the COVID-19 response in Washington state.
To learn more about Care Connection Washington, click here.
MyLakewood311 gets an update
MyLakewood311, the City’s free mobile app, was updated this week to make it compatible with the latest Apple operating system.
Like any other app when updated, users will need to download the latest version of the app on their iPhones and tablets. This can be done by going to the App Store and selecting “Update All” or by finding MyLakewood311 and selecting “Update.”
MyLakewood311 allows you to access information about Lakewood at your fingertips including the ability to contact us whenever, wherever.
See an issue in Lakewood you want the City to know about?
Use this app to report it to the City by filling out a new request form. Forms can be filled out for issues like:
- Potholes
- Illegal dumping in the rights-of-way
- Park and recreation concerns
- Noise and nuisance complaints
- Abandoned vehicles
The app allows you to track the City’s response to the request and much more.
Don’t have MyLakewood311? No worries – you can download the app in the iTunes App Store or on Google Play.
Don’t want to use the app? Again, no worries – you can still report an issue using the city’s online ticket submission form or by calling City Hall at 253-589-2489.
Changes and temporary closures coming to north and southbound I-5 in Lakewood
The state Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is rebuilding the interchanges at Thorne Lane and Berkeley Street, and adding lanes to I-5. Drivers are advised to plan extra travel time into their trips and give work crews a brake by paying attention while traveling through work zones. All work is weather dependent and may be rescheduled.
Pierce County I-5 Closures:
- Friday, Dec. 18 from 10:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 19
- Berkeley Street on-ramp to northbound I-5 will close.
- Northbound I-5 exit to Thorne Lane will close.
- Friday, Dec. 18 from 11:59 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 19
- Northbound I-5 will be reduced to a single lane from 41st Division Drive near JBLM to Gravelly Lake Drive in Lakewood.
Before heading out the door, travelers can also find the latest information on the Pierce and Thurston County travel planner, the WSDOT app and by following the WSDOT regional Twitter feed.
COVID-19 related resources:
Pierce County COVID-19 Relief Programs & Resources
For the latest information on Pierce County COVID-19 relief programs and resources, see here.
Pierce County Phase Status
Pierce County remains in Phase 2 of the “Safe Start” plan. Pierce County is still well above the State Department of Health (DOH) threshold of 25 cases per 100,000 with a 14-day case rate of 335.6 per 100,000. To access the TPCHD’s COVID-19 in Pierce County dashboard click here.
Phase 2 reopening guidelines
The Tacoma Pierce County Chamber and the Economic Development Board of Tacoma-Pierce County have shared resources for business to assist in re-opening and recovery. View more.
Washington State Department of Commerce – Business & Worker Update
The Business and Workers update is a weekly newsletter providing news and information to help businesses and workers navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. The information is compiled by the state Economic Resiliency Team. To read or subscribe to the newsletter, click here.
WA Notify
The WA Notify app is a simple, anonymous exposure notification tool to help stop the spread of COVID-19. By adding WA Notify to their smartphones, Washington residents will be alerted if they spent time near another WA Notify user who later tests positive for COVID-19. Learn more about the app here.
Washington Listens supports people affected by the stress of COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, Washington has launched Washington Listens, a support program and phone line to help people manage elevated levels of stress due to the pandemic. People who call the Washington Listens support line will speak with a support specialist and get connected to community resources in their area. The program is anonymous.
The Washington Listens support line is 1-833-681-0211. It is available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. TTY and language access services are available by using 7-1-1 or their preferred method.
Resources and self-help tips are available on
Transportation updates
Onyx Drive: The Onyx Drive Improvement Project is rebuilding 1.55 miles of roadway from Onyx Drive from 97th Avenue to 87th Avenue and from Garnet Lane to Phillips Road.
Key features of the project include:
- 12 foot travel lane in each direction.
- 8 foot wide shared sidewalk on the south side of the road with a two foot roadside buffer.
- 6-foot wide sidewalk on the north side of the road. Street lighting suitable for the residential setting.
- Realignment of the Onyx Drive/Phillip Road intersection. Raised crosswalks at the intersections of:
- 97th Avenue
- 78th Street
- Coral Lane
- Radar feedback signs.
- Locking cluster mailboxes.
Work on this project is in the home stretch! There are a few minor cleanup and repair items that the contractor will complete in the next few weeks. Please note that intermittent lane closures will continue until all work is complete.
This past week, mailboxes along Onyx Drive were installed. Once the US Postal Service installs the locks to the boxes, the City will provide keys to the affected residents. This will likely occur during the first few weeks of January 2021.
Read more about the Onyx Drive project and see overhead shots of the project on the project website.
Veterans Drive: This project rebuilds 1.63 miles of Veterans Drive into a two lane road with curb, gutter, sidewalk, bike/pedestrian path, streetlights, and landscaping. The project adds roundabouts to three key intersections.
In mid December, the base lift of asphalt was poured on Veterans Drive. The contractor will be laying the final lift of asphalt in early 2021, weather permitting.
In the interim, construction work will continue on this project throughout the winter and, as a result, there will be periodic lane and/or whole section closures throughout the next few months.
Currently, the contractor is working on installing landscaping and street lights between Gravelly Lake Drive SW and Alameda Avenue SW. Additionally, the contractor is finishing up remaining curb and gutter installation from Highland Avenue SW. The contractor will begin prepping for sidewalk and driveways in this section starting next week.
While restrictions at Veterans and Gravelly Lake Drive are no longer in place fulltime, detour signage remains up in effort to reduce the level of traffic within the project’s limits. Unless the contractor is actively working in the section between Edgewood and the American Lake Veteran’s Administration Medical Center (VA), the North Lake and American Avenue detour will not be necessary.
To read more about the Veterans Drive project and see overhead shots of the project on the project website.
The contractor also continues to work on the American Lake Park parking lot. When completed, in addition to improving traffic flow through the parking lot, this project will add 6 ADA parking stalls to the lot and create a ADA walkway from the road to the park restroom. The restrooms at the park will remain closed due to this work. Parking at the park is currently limited to the boat launch area.
City Council January 4, 2020 meeting preview
Please note that the following Lakewood City Council meetings are cancelled:
- December 21, 2020 – City Council Regular Meeting
- December 28, 2020 – City Council Study Session
The Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) waiver by the state legislative leadership was extended through January 19 for jurisdictions not in Phase 3 of the “Safe Start” Plan. Pierce County is currently in Phase 2. As a result, City Hall Council Chambers will not be open for City Council meetings.
Residents can virtually attend City Council meetings by watching them live on the city’s YouTube channel:
Those who do not have access to YouTube can participate via Zoom by either calling by telephone: Dial +1(253) 215- 8782 and enter participant ID: 868 7263 2373.
To learn more about how to provide public comment and/or public testimony at City Council Regular Meetings, click here.
Items tentatively on the January 4, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting agenda include:
- Proclamation declaring January 18, 2021 as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service and February as Black History Month
- Youth Council Report
- Clover Park School District Report
- Authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement with the Port of Tacoma regarding the 146th
- Street reconstruction project
- Authorizing the execution of an extension to the agreement with BERK and Associates for the completion of the Lakewood Station District Subarea Plan project
- Appoint Community Services Advisory Board members (tentative)
- Appoint Planning Commission members (tentative)
- Appoint Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members (tentative)
- Reports by the City Manager – Review interlocal agreement with Pierce College
Join a community advisory board
Do you like to give back to the community? Are you looking to get better connected to Lakewood? Have some free time you want to fill? Consider joining one of the city’s community advisory boards. Board members often have experience or expertise they can lend, can meet on a monthly basis and can commit to serving a full term, or longer.
Boards with openings:
- Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board: Up to 5 vacancies. Open until filled.
Board and commission descriptions, meeting schedule and application form can be found online.
Stay up to date with MyLakewood311
Did you know Lakewood has its own free mobile app? All you need to know about the city is at your fingertips. Updates on road projects and detours around the city and other city announcements can be found under the “Public Announcements” header.
Contact the city using the “submit a new request” button and select from the appropriate category. The app allows you to track city staff’s response to your request and follow it through the process.
Please only submit one request per item – submitting multiple requests for the same item slows the review process. Note: This app is not monitored 24/7. If you are reporting an emergency that needs immediate assistance, please call 911.
Download it now in the iTunes App Store or on Google Play.
Stay connected with e-mail notifications
Get the latest news and updates from the city of Lakewood delivered directly to your inbox. To subscribe click here.
You can subscribe to the following city newsfeeds:
- City Manager’s Weekly Bulletins (Weekly)
- City Council Agendas and Meeting Schedules (Weekly)
- Lakewood Connections and Recreation Brochures (Quarterly)
- Public Notices
- Coffee with the Mayor (Monthly)
- Bids, Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Qualifications (RFQs)