To: Mayor, City Council
From: John J. Caulfield, City Manager
Get rid of junk for free – Lakewood Fall Clean-up is this weekend!
Got junk you’d like to get rid of?
Would you like to get rid of it for free?
Then come join us this Saturday (Nov. 14) and Sunday (Nov. 15) for the Lakewood Fall Clean-up event with our waste contractor, Waste Connections!
IMPORTANT: While on site, keep your vehicle windows rolled up when you show your ID/Proof of Lakewood residency, wear a mask when outside of your vehicle, and maintain 6 feet of distance from all others.
- Saturday, November 14th, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (last car is accepted at 1:45 p.m.)
- Sunday, November 15th, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (last car accepted at 11:45 p.m.)
Location: 3869 94th St SW, Lakewood, WA 98499
Event rules:
- All non-bulky items must be bagged.
- All items will be unloaded by event participants (this means by you).
- All event participants must show photo I.D. or utility bill with a Lakewood address.
- All event participants must wear a mask and maintain 6 feet of social distancing while at site.
- No mattresses will be accepted at this event.
- U-Hauls and Box Vans are accepted at this event.
- Accepted items:
- Tires
- Appliances (no refrigerators)
- Bicycles
- Tires
- Recyclables
- Furniture
- Grills
- Couches
- Not Accepted Items:
- Loose items
- Paint
- Electronics
- Yard Waste
- Hazardous materials
- Automotive parts
- Propane tanks
- Concrete
- Construction materials
- Donations
- Mattresses
Click here for the event flyer.
If you have questions about this event, please contact Senior Policy Analyst Shannon Kelley Fong at [email protected] or (253) 983-7717.

Help stop illegal dumping
We take pride in our city and work hard to maintain our streets, parks and public rights of way to make a good impression. We know our residents share our pride, but also our dismay and frustration when we see people illegally dumping materials on public and private property.
From health and safety risks, to creating erroneous impressions that our neighborhoods are unsafe, illegal dumping is a crime that affects all of us all. It also costs taxpayers upwards of $50,000 a year for our crews to clean up the illegally dumped materials.
That’s why we’re asking you to help us stop illegal dumping in Lakewood!
What you can do to help curb illegal dumping Lakewood:
- Dispose of your waste properly.
- Call Waste Connections services (1-800-34LEMAY or 253-875-5053)
- Use the City’s Fall / Spring Clean-ups (see above)
- Take waste to a transfer station
- Donate items
- Do not transport unsecured loads.
- Do not pay contractors or hauling companies unless they show you a landfill receipt showing proper disposal.
- Spread the word that illegal dumping is a crime.
- Report illegal dumping:
- If you see it happening call 911 and try to capture the vehicle license plate and description of people involved
- If you see if after the fact report it using our free mobile app: MyLakewood311
- Or call the non-emergency police line at 253-798-4721
- Organize a neighborhood clean-up
Pierce County Restaurant Rally continues this Sunday & 15 Lakewood eateries are participating
The Pierce County Restaurant Rally continues this Sunday, running from Sunday Nov. 15 to Thursday, Nov. 19 (11/15 to 11/19).
This program allows restaurants to offer their customers 30% off their dine-in or take-out meal before tax, excluding alcohol and orders via 3rd party delivery services. Participating restaurants will be compensated for 50% of gross sales with the exclusion of alcohol and sales via 3rd party delivery services. learn more about the Restaurant Rally here.
In Lakewood, 15 restaurants are participating in the Restaurant Rally. Check out the full list of restaurants participating here.

Fallen Officer Food & Blood Drive is next week

Every year since 2009 the Lakewood Police Department has held its Fallen Officer Food Drive to honor the memory of our four officers killed in the line of duty on Nov. 29, 2009, as well as the memory of all officers lost in the line of duty.
A few years ago a blood drive to benefit Bloodworks Northwest was added to support this valuable community partner and help save lives through blood donation.
We cannot think of a more appropriate way to honor Sgt. Mark Renninger and Officers Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold and Gregory Richards, and all officers lost in the line of duty, than by giving back these life-saving essentials to the communities they served.
Food Drive information:
- Thursday, Nov. 19 – Food Drive at the Lakewood Police Department from 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- Monday, Nov. 16 – Monday, Nov. 23 – Food bins available at the Lakewood Police Station, as well as at Classy Chassis (7701 Custer Rd) and Classy Coffee (4828 Bridgeport Way W, Suite D, in U.P.)
Blood Drive information:
- Wednesday, Nov. 18 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 19 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To give blood, sign up for an appointment online, here. Appointments are REQUIRED to donate. Face masks are also required during your blood donation appointment.
COVID-19 testing at Fort Steilacoom Park this Sunday (11/15)
The Pierce County EOC will have Mobile Testing for COVID-19 at Fort Steilacoom Park at the Baseball field parking on the following dates:
- Sunday, November 15th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Friday, December 4th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Note: A Drive-thru option is now available
Location: 8714 87th Ave SW, Lakewood, WA 98498
These mobile testing stations are in the community so people can get tested for COVID-19. These tests are free. Identification is not required. On-site staff can help you register. Results are available in five to seven days. Complete one form for each person getting tested.
Get tested if you:
- Experience fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
- Were close to a person with COVID-19 or attended a gathering with many people.
- Are in an at-risk community including: Alaska Native, American Indian, Black, Latinx, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islands.
Come prepared
To make the process go faster, please fill out this form in advance so you can be contacted with results. Fill out this form for the lab test. Complete both forms on your device. Print and bring the forms with you to the testing site. Complete one form for each person being tested in your group.
Test results can take five to seven business days to become available. Positive tests are prioritized for notification. If you have not heard your results after the five to seven days have gone by, call (833) 723-0490.
Other options
There are other testing options in Pierce County beyond the mobile testing stations. Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has an updated list of additional sites where people can get tested.
We want to hear from you – Testify on Proposed Lakewood Station District Subarea Plan at the next Lakewood Planning Commission meeting (11/18)
The Lakewood Station District Subarea (LSDS) is an area of opportunity for future growth and development within Lakewood’s Urban Center. Home to the terminus of the Sounder, which provides passenger rail service to Tacoma, Seattle, and Everett and located adjacent to I-5, this area has an opportunity for employment growth. It already has a strong employment base that provides jobs in medical services, hospitality, retail, and restaurants. Proximity to high capacity transit and employment also make this a feasible area for compact residential development that can take advantage of such amenities. These factors make this a desirable area for a portion of Lakewood’s future growth.
Over the years, Lakewood has continued to prioritize the Station District as an important area for economic development, housing diversification, and transportation demand management. In 2019, the Department of Commerce awarded Lakewood a grant to prepare the LSDS Plan, SEPA-based planned action, and hybrid form-based code to implement the LSDS Plan.
On Wednesday, November 18, the Lakewood Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on the proposed LSDS Plan and Hybrid Form-Based Code.
All meeting materials can be accessed here.
In brief, the proposed plan does the following:
- Provides additional affordable housing for current and future residents
- Adds businesses and employment opportunities
- Maximizes access to transit and use of the Sounder Station
- Improves safety for pedestrians and bicyclists
- Prevents the displacement of current residents when redevelopment occurs
- Complements planning in the Downtown area
What’s the latest?
- Share your comments at the November 18 Planning Commission meeting.
- Review the Draft LSDS Plan and Hybrid Form-Based Development Code to be considered on November 18.
- Learn about the project by listening to the November 4 Planning Commission meeting as well as reviewing the presentation slide deck.
The Notice of DNS and draft Planned Action for the proposed Lakewood Station District Subarea Plan can be accessed here.
Want to provide the Lakewood Planning Commission comments on this proposed plan? Join us on November 18 at 6:30 p.m.
Residents can virtually attend Planning Commission meetings by watching them live on the city’s YouTube channel:
Those who do not have access to YouTube can call in to listen by telephone at +1 (253) 215- 8782 and by entering Webinar ID: 94284602874#.
To participate in the Public Hearing: Public Comments and Public Hearing Testimony will be accepted by mail, email or by live virtual comment. Send comments by mail or email to Karen Devereaux, Planning Commission Clerk, at [email protected] or 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499. Comments received up to one hour before the meeting will be provided to the Planning Commission electronically.
Live Public Participation: To provide live Public Hearing Testimony during the meeting, join the Zoom meeting as an attendee by calling by telephone Dial +1(253) 215- 8782 and enter participant ID: 942 8460 2874# or by going online at
Each speaker will be allowed (3) three minutes to speak during the Public Hearing. Outside of Public Commend and Public Hearings, attendees will not be acknowledged and their microphone will remain muted.
By Phone: For those participating by calling in by phone, the Chair will call on you during the Public Comment and/or Public Hearings portions of the agenda. When you are unmuted, please provide your name and city of residence.
Online: For those using the ZOOM link (, upon entering the meeting, please enter your name or other chosen identifier. Use the “Raise Hand” feature to be called upon by the Chair during the Public Comments and/or Public Hearings portions of the agenda. When you are unmuted, please provide your name and city of residence.
Lakewood honors Veterans & proclaims November Veterans Appreciation Month
Due to COVID-19, this year there was no in-person Veterans Ceremony held at City Hall. However, the Lakewood City Council virtually honored and remembered the valor and sacrifices of current and veteran members of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine during its November 2, 2020 Lakewood City Council meeting.
At this meeting, the Lakewood City Council proclaimed November 11, 2020 as Veterans Day and November 2020 as Veterans Appreciation Month. The full proclamation can be read here. The City Council meeting can be watched below.
Colonel Jonathon Chung, the Combat Team Commander of the 2/2 Stryker Brigade, was present for the proclamation.
“On behalf of all the soldier and veterans of 2/2 Stryker Brigade, along with all those soldiers that live within this great Lakewood community, thank you for this presentation of the proclamation by the Lakewood City Council. It’s truly an honor.
You know as we approach Veterans Day the Lancer Brigade is grateful for all communities across the nation for recognizing those that have served in the military. And although the call to serve may come from different reasons, make no mistake about it, every soldier shares that same responsibility of building trust with the American people. And Lakewood itself embodies the community that understands that shared responsibility of trust, safety, and security.
The community connector relationship between 2/2 Stryker Brigade and the city of Lakewood has been tremendous and impactful.”
Colonel Johnathon Chung
Lakewood is a proud host community to Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), the largest military base on the west coast and the only Army Power Projection Platform west of the Rocky Mountains. The Joint Base employees over 40,000 active duty service members and 17,000 civilians. In addition, there over 86,000 veterans living in Pierce County and 8,739 veterans living in Lakewood.
Lakewood is a member of the South Sound Military & Communities Partnership (SSMCP), which services as a regional partnership that focuses on the nexus between South Sound communities and Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The Partnership consists of over 50 member organizations spanning a broad range of interests from local government with the Nisqually Tribal community, Pierce and Thurston counties, 12 cities, various county and state agencies, several chambers of commerce and numerous non-profit organizations working in collaboration to resolve cross-jurisdictional regional concerns.
2021 City Days at McGavick Conference Center
The City is currently accepting applications for the use of a 2021 City Day at the McGavick Conference Center. Applications will be accepted until November 30, 2020 and applicants will be notified as to the approval or denial of the application by December 11, 2020.
Complete applications can be emailed directly to City Clerk Briana Schumacher (preferred) or delivered via postal mail to Lakewood City Hall, Attn: City Clerk, 6000 Main Street SW Lakewood, WA 98499.
If you have any questions regarding the application or process, please City Clerk Briana Schumacher at 253.983.7705 or [email protected].
Come take a ride with us – Onyx Drive Improvement Update
The Onyx Drive Improvement Project is rebuilding 1.55 miles of roadway from Onyx Drive from 97th Avenue to 87th Avenue and from Garnet Lane to Phillips Road. To date (11/2/2020), the City’s contractor has completed paving the roadway, sidewalks, and adding stormwater drainage upgrades. The contractor is now working on the installation of raised crosswalks and raising utilities. Key features of the project include:
- 12 foot travel lane in each direction.
- 8 foot wide shared sidewalk on the south side of the road with a two foot roadside buffer.
- 6 foot wide sidewalk on the north side of the road. Street lighting suitable for the residential setting.
- Realignment of the Onyx Drive/Phillip Road intersection. Raised crosswalks at the intersections of:
- 97th Avenue
- 78th Street
- Coral Lane
- Radar feedback signs.
- Locking cluster mailboxes.
As of November 13, the contractor has completed paving and installing the raised crosswalks. The contractor is now working on property restoration behind the new sidewalks and miscellaneous concrete curbing. Street lights along this stretch will be operational once Tacoma Power (Tacoma Public Utilities) installs new electrical meters. Intermittent lane closures will continue for the next few weeks to facilitate this work. Street lights should be operational by the end of next week.
It is anticipated that this project will be substantially complete by the end of 2020.
Read more about the Onyx Drive project and see overhead shots of the project on the project website.
Clover Park School District: Application for free and reduced price meals
Apply for Free and Reduced-Priced Meals here.
From the Clover Park School District:
Though meals are free for all students through the end of the 2020-21 school year, it is still important for families who qualify to fill out a free- and reduced-price meal application. Not only does it help provide nutritious meals for students, but it is another way the school district receives important state and federal funding to support students in the classroom.
Eligibility forms that are not submitted are a lost resources for our classrooms, and more importantly, students.
Families can fill out the application online through the district website or by returning the application that was recently mailed to homes in the pre-paid envelope provided. Printed forms are also available at our schools.
Questions about the free and reduced-price meal program can call 253-583-5490.
Business Showcase – November 2020: 253 Strong
At the Lakewood City Council meeting on November 2, 253Strong, a CrossFit associated gym, was recognized as the City’s November Business Showcase.
253Strong is helping building a better future for the Lakewood community by focusing on positive changes, family values, and supporting healthy and fit lifestyles.
Read the full November Business Showcase article on 253Strong here.

WSDOT continues work on I-5 in Lakewood
The state Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is rebuilding the interchanges at Thorne Lane and Berkeley Street, and adding lanes to I-5.
An updated construction schedule that lists overnight ramp closures for this project is available on Before heading out the door, travelers can find the latest road conditions on the WSDOT app and by following the WSDOT regional Twitter feed.
Hyperlink within the release:
- Widen I-5:
- Video:
- WSDOT app:
- WSDOT on Twitter:
WSDOT keeps people, businesses and the economy moving by operating and improving the state’s transportation systems. To learn more about what we’re doing, go to for pictures, videos, news and blogs. Real time traffic information is available at or by dialing 511.
Lakewood wins Planning award for Colonial Plaza
Each year the American Planning Association Washington Chapter (APA-WC) presents awards to planning projects that demonstrate excellence. The City is proud to announce that this year the APA-WC selected the City’s Colonial Plaza Project as a winner in the 2020 Washington State Awards Program for Excellence in Planning.
The APA-WC jury was very impressed with how the project built on the community’s history to create a sense of place and the broad community impact and effort to implement the project.

The project, which was constructed over the summer of 2019, improved the roadway and added curb and gutter, sidewalk, on-street parking, street lighting, landscaping and bench seating at Motor Avenue, which runs in front of the Lakewood Theatre and Best Western Lakewood (6100 Motor Avenue SW). The redesigned Motor Avenue street corridor still allows vehicles to pass between Whitman Avenue SW and the intersection of Gravelly Lake Drive SW, but provides more pedestrian and public space amenities.
The City intends to install public art pieces as a part of this project, preferably at the entrance points.
To learn more about the Colonial Plaza project click here.
Lakewood adopts state and federal priorities for 2021
At the October 19, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting, the Lakewood City Council adopted its Federal Priorities for 2021, State Legislative Agenda and Manual for 2021-2022, and County Manual for 2021.
To view the City’s complete legislative materials visit the Government Relations page.
Federal Priorities
Every year the City sets its federal priorities to help provide a solid background for its work at the Congressional level. For this upcoming year, the City’s 2021 Federal priorities are:
- Additional COVID-19 relief funding that includes funding for local governments.
- Restoration of Congressional Directed Spending.
- Amendments to the Defense Community Infrastructure Program to emphasize road, transportation, and utility infrastructure needs for military communities.
- Support for a Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) round to focus limited federal funding on critical military and defense infrastructure needs.
- Support to fulfill the JBLM – McChord Field Clear Zone plan.
- Support for the permanent authorization of the BUILD Grant Program and the designation of 30% of BUILD funding to medium sized cities between 10,000 to 75,000.
To read the full 2021 Federal priorities click here.
In addition to continuing to work with the State’s Senators, the City looks forward to working with the next representative for the 10th congressional district.

State Priorities 2021-2022
For the upcoming 2021 session, the Washington State Legislature will convene on January 11. This session is a budget year scheduled to last for 105 days. It is likely to be a session like no other in the recent past given the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Washington State Legislature is a bicameral body (two chambers) consisting of 49 members in the Senate and 98 members in the House of Representatives. Each district in Washington is served by one Senator and two House members. The city of Lakewood falls into two legislative districts, the 28th District and the 29th District. As such, the City is represented by two senators and four house representatives.
As in previous years, the City will be actively involved in the 2021 State Legislative session. To proactively prepare for the session, every two years, the City adopts a state legislative agenda and policy manual. This early groundwork, coupled with the strong relationships the City has forged with our state delegation, has led to many recent successes for the Lakewood community.
To read the full 2021-2022 State agenda click here.
For 2021-2022, the City’s State priorities include:
Economic Development Tools for Lakewood Landing: Lakewood Landing is a 25-acre property along I-5 that is primarily used for industrial purposes, including a WSDOT maintenance facility. Because redevelopment of this site requires the WSDOT maintenance facility to be relocated, public investment is needed to advance Lakewood Landing from vision to reality. This public investment could come from state authorized economic development financing such as tax increment financing and/or an investment of $1 million annually for twenty-years years.
Washington State Hospital Community Partnership Program: Since 2007 the City has operated a highly effective Community Partnership Program (CPP) to improve public safety at Western State Hospital (WSH). CPP has responded to hundreds of calls for police service at WSH. The City requests $621,000 be included in the 2021-23 Operating Budget for continued operation of the CPP. This is the same funding level that has been allocated in the last two state biennial budgets.
Capital Funding Request – Living Access Support Alliance Expansion: Living Access Support Alliance (LASA) is a nonprofit that provides emergency housing, rapid rehousing and transitional housing in Lakewood, in addition to case management, and a range of other services to prevent homelessness. The City is currently working with LASA to acquire additional space to expand their existing facilities as well as helping LASA develop a long-range social services plan to help meet community needs. The City is committed to providing $150,000 in 2020 and up to $300,000 in 2021/2022 to help LASA expand. The City is requesting $500,000 from the state for LASA to accelerate this project and expand needed services in Lakewood.
Capital funding request: Wards Lake Park Improvement Project: The City is requesting $250,000 to help complete a multi-faceted park revitalization project that will improve safety and access for an historically underserved community in Lakewood, restore and enhance environmental systems, and increase recreational opportunities.
Capital funding request: American Lake Park ADA Improvements: The City is requesting $250,000 toward ADA access improvements at American Lake Park (ALP). Since incorporation, Lakewood has worked to create more equitable access to parks. This project will provide a new ADA ramp to the shoreline and boat launch area for all Lakewood residents to access and enjoy the waterfront.
Multimodal Transportation Ask: The City requests $250,000 for a multimodal transportation assessment to consider practical solutions to increase multimodal connectivity along the I-5 corridor between DuPont and Lakewood.
The City is planning to host a legislative roundtable with its representatives to discuss these priorities in November or December.
In addition to the state priorities outlined above, Lakewood’s leadership also continues to work closely with representatives of the 28th Legislative District on the issue of Adult Family Home businesses. This work includes continuing to push for additional oversight and regulation of adult family home (AFH) businesses to ensure that the state’s most vulnerable residents living in these homes are safe. This past session our legislators introduced various bills aimed at keeping violent offenders out of these homes, but none gained enough support to move forward.
City & Clover Park School District intend to collaborate on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
In October, Lakewood City Manager John Caulfield and CPSD Superintendent Ron Banner released a joint memorandum announcing the City and CPSD’s intent to collaborate on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives and to share resources for work within these initiatives for the benefit of each respective organization and the greater community.
The joint memorandum expressed that the journey to equity and inclusion required “meaningful collaboration” between the City and CSPD, stating:
“We believe that by working together, sharing our perspectives and implementing targeted practices to improve the well-being of historically marginalized members in our community we can take steps closer to more justice and more fairness in the community of Lakewood. We understand that this will take time and effort, and we are firmly committed to persevere through any challenges.”
While much work remains to be done in this area, several areas were identified for immediate collaboration and/or further exploration, including:
- Advertising key job postings for both organizations on our respective websites.
- Sharing community member resources to provide for interview panels that are diverse and more representative of the community.
- Sharing expertise and resources regarding staffing the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion function.
- Planning and implementing joint community listening sessions.
The community listening sessions would begin within the Lakewood community in the next four to six months.
The City and Clover Park School District are looking forward to on-going discussions around equity and inclusion and, importantly, to achieving meaningful outcomes as a result of this collaboration.
Update on additional CARES Act funds
With the two rounds of CARES Act funding from the state, the City received a total of $2,685,150 in CARES Act funds. To date the City has used these funds for the following purposes:
- Creating a Commercial Landlord Relief Fund Grant;
- Creating Small Business Relief Fund Grant for businesses with less than 20 employees;
- Creating a Child Care Providers Grant;
- For facility safety improvements, personal protection equipment, COVID-19 related payroll reimbursement, and other COVID-19 related expenses.
- Provided funds to public partners and human service providers in Lakewood, including creating a rental assistance program with LASA, and providing in funds to West Pierce Fire and Rescue, Pierce County Library, Nourish Pierce County, Boys and Girls Club, Greater Lakes Mental Health Care, Communities in Schools, YMCA, YWCA, Rebuilding Hope! Sexual Assault Center, and more.
The table below shows how these funds have been allocated as of November 9:

Visit the City’s CARES Act Funding Dashboard for up-to-date information on CARES Act allocations and expenditures.
Additional COVID-19 related resources:
Pierce County Phase Status
Pierce County remains in Phase 2 of the “Safe Start” plan. Pierce County is still well above the State Department of Health (DOH) threshold of 25 cases per 100,000 with a 14-day case rate of 57.1 per 100,000. To access the TPCHD’s COVID-19 in Pierce County dashboard click here.
Phase 2 reopening guidelines
The Tacoma Pierce County Chamber and the Economic Development Board of Tacoma-Pierce County have shared resources for business to assist in re-opening and recovery. View more.
Washington Listens supports people affected by the stress of COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, Washington has launched Washington Listens, a support program and phone line to help people manage elevated levels of stress due to the pandemic. People who call the Washington Listens support line will speak with a support specialist and get connected to community resources in their area. The program is anonymous.
The Washington Listens support line is 1-833-681-0211. It is available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. TTY and language access services are available by using 7-1-1 or their preferred method.
Resources and self-help tips are available on
“Reverse” Parade of Lights
The City is excited to announce we are having a “Reverse” Parade of Lights on December 12, 2020 from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Lakewood Towne Center.
What is a reverse parade? We’re glad you asked!
Typically, the City’s Parade of Lights features a variety of floats, local marching bands, and classic cars that travel on a parade route through Downtown Lakewood with spectators lining up on the streets to view the procession.
Due to COVID-19, to ensure social distancing, we are turning the Parade upside down or more aptly in “reverse.” The “Reverse” Parade of Lights will feature a stationary display of floats and vehicles lined up along Lakewood Towne Center. Spectators will drive-thru the perimeter of Lakewood Towne Center to view the floats and vehicles. The City will provide music and Santa will be there!

Want to be a part of the “Reverse” Parade?
Help LIGHT up Lakewood! Businesses, clubs, organizations, and individuals are all invited to light up the holiday with a stationary float or vehicle. The entries must comply with the COVID-19 phase for Pierce County that is in effect at this time. Show your community spirit! Blue lights are recommended, however lights are optional.
• Each entry is encouraged to ‘go all out’ in decorating their vehicle/float and wearing festive clothing, making it fun and exciting for participants and spectators alike. Prizes will be awarded (see contest details below).
• The Lakewood “reverse” parade is a stationary display of floats and vehicles. In this reverse scenario, it is the viewers who will drive by while the floats and displays remain stationary in one place.
• Businesses, clubs, and organizations can have signage on their vehicle, but lighting and decorations should reflect the Holiday Season.
“Reverse” Parade of Lights Application is available here.
To enter fill out an application and mail or email to Sally Martinez ([email protected] ) by Monday, Nov. 16, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Please mail applications to:
Lakewood City Hall
Attn: Sally Martinez – Parade of lights
6000 Main Street SW
Lakewood, WA 98499.
Applications received after November 16 will be considered if space is available.
Transportation updates
This project rebuilds 1.63 miles of Veterans Drive into a two lane road with curb, gutter, sidewalk, bike/pedestrian path, streetlights, and landscaping. The project adds roundabouts to three key intersections.
To date, the contractor has completed the road reconstruction from Gravelly Lake Drive to Highland Avenue and completed the roundabouts at Lake City Blvd and Vernon Avenue. The contractor continues to work on property restoration behind the new sidewalks.
The contractor removed the old roadway from Highland to Nottingham and has begun the installation of the storm drainage infrastructure along this stretch. Once storm drainage infrastructure installation is complete, the road will be graded and prepped for curb installation.
Veterans Drive is closed to all but local traffic between Edgewood and Nottingham. North Lake Drive will be used for west bound access to the Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital and American Avenue SW will be used for east bound traffic.
In September, the contractor also began work in the American Lake Park parking lot. This week the contractor continued to grade the parking lot. When completed, in addition to improving traffic flow through the parking lot, this project will add 6 ADA parking stalls to the lot and create a ADA walkway from the road to the park restroom. The restrooms at the park will remain closed due to this work. Parking at the park is currently limited to the boat launch area. The work in American Lake Park is scheduled to take place through early November.
It is anticipated that the base lift of asphalt will be laid and sidewalks, curb and gutter will be installed along this corridor by the end of 2020. The final asphalt lift will be performed by spring of 2021. All work is weather permitting. To read more about the Veterans Drive project and see overhead shots of the project on the project website.
City Council November 16, 2020 meeting preview
The Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) waiver by the state legislative leadership was extended through December 7 for jurisdictions not in Phase 3 of the “Safe Start” Plan. Pierce County is currently in Phase 2. As a result, City Hall Council Chambers will not be open for City Council meetings.
Residents can virtually attend City Council meetings by watching them live on the city’s YouTube channel:
Those who do not have access to YouTube can participate via Zoom by either calling by telephone: Dial +1(253) 215- 8782 and enter participant ID: 868 7263 2373.
To learn more about how to provide public comment and/or public testimony at City Council Regular Meetings, click here.
Items on the November 16, 2020 City Council Regular Meeting agenda include:
- Proclamation declaring November as Native American Heritage month
- Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Horwath Law PLLC for public defender services from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025
- Authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with Washington State Emergency Management, in the amount of $50,877, for Emergency Management Performance
- Authorizing the execution of an employment agreement with John J. Caulfield for City Manager services
- Approve 2021 Human Services funding allocations
- Approve 2021 Lodging Tax funding allocations
- Approve 2020 Accounts Receivable Write-Off’s
- Adopt Year-End (2020) Budget Adjustment
- Declaration of substantial need for purposes of setting the limit factor for the Property Tax Levy for 2021
- Relating to ad valorem property taxes; establishing the amount to be raised in 2021 by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property of the City; and setting the property tax levy rate for 2021.
- Adopt 2021-2022 Biennial Budget
- Setting the City of Lakewood 2021 Fee Schedule
- Reports by the City Manager – Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Grant Funding Status Update
Items tentatively scheduled on the November 23, 2020 City Council Study Session agenda include:
- Joint Youth Council meeting
- Review of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan docket & any related development code amendments
- Review 2020 International Construction Code (ICC) with Local Amendments
- Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) Grant Funding Status Update
- South Sound Housing Affordability Partners (SSHAP) Update
Join a community advisory board
Do you like to give back to the community? Are you looking to get better connected to Lakewood? Have some free time you want to fill? Consider joining one of the city’s community advisory boards. Board members often have experience or expertise they can lend, can meet on a monthly basis and can commit to serving a full term, or longer.
Boards with openings:
- Landmarks and Heritage Advisory Board: up to 5 vacancies. Open until filled.
- Community Services Advisory Board – 5 vacancies – Open until November 25, 2020
Board and commission descriptions, meeting schedule and application form can be found online.
Stay up to date with MyLakewood311
Did you know Lakewood has its own free mobile app? All you need to know about the city is at your fingertips. Updates on road projects and detours around the city and other city announcements can be found under the “Public Announcements” header.
Contact the city using the “submit a new request” button and select from the appropriate category. The app allows you to track city staff’s response to your request and follow it through the process.
Please only submit one request per item – submitting multiple requests for the same item slows the review process. Note: This app is not monitored 24/7. If you are reporting an emergency that needs immediate assistance, please call 911.
Download it now in the iTunes App Store or on Google Play.
Stay connected with e-mail notifications
Get the latest news and updates from the city of Lakewood delivered directly to your inbox. To subscribe click here.
You can subscribe to the following city newsfeeds:
- City Manager’s Weekly Bulletins (Weekly)
- City Council Agendas and Meeting Schedules (Weekly)
- Lakewood Connections and Recreation Brochures (Quarterly)
- Public Notices
- Coffee with the Mayor (Monthly)
- Bids, Requests for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Qualifications (RFQs)