Jury Duty

Potential jurors are randomly selected from voter registration and Department of Licensing lists. To be eligible for jury service a person must be a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years old, a resident of Pierce County, and speak English. If you reside in Lakewood, Steilacoom, DuPont, and bordering jurisdictions of Tacoma, Spanaway, and University Place you are eligible to serve.

What to do if you are selected:

If you receive a juror summons, you must call between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on the designated date. Any requests to be excused must be submitted in writing 10-days before the designated call-in day. Requests for excusal or postponement can be emailed to [email protected] 

Please note that employment and lack of childcare are not sufficient grounds for excuse.

On the day of your jury service please check-in at 8:15 a.m., unless otherwise instructed. Your cell phone must remain off while in the court room. You are free to bring reading material. Knitting and crocheting needles are not allowed for safety reasons.

Jury duty is usually one day and all trials are held on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and occasionally Fridays. Jurors are reimbursed $10 per day and round-trip mileage.

IMPORTANT: You will need to call the jury line (253-512-2259 option 4) after 5:00 p.m. on the night before your scheduled date. Listen carefully to the message and verify that the scheduled trial is proceeding. If the trial is proceeding, you are required to appear. If the trial has been canceled, you are excused. Court staff will not call you so make sure you check the message.

Additional Resources

For more information about Jury Duty, visit the Washington State Courts website.

If you no longer reside in Pierce County or received a jury summons for a deceased family member, please contact .