Various relief programs may help residents and businesses recover from pandemic-related hardship.
LAKEWOOD, Wash. – Mortgage, rent, utility, and business assistance programs are still available to Lakewood residents and business owners.
Rent & Mortgage Assistance
Information on rent assistance, mortgage assistance, and home repair programs may be found on the City’s website:
- Rent assistance for tenants with past-due bills is offered by Pierce County and the City of Lakewood. Applicants should apply to the Pierce County program first before applying to the City program.
- Assistance for landlords is available through Pierce County.
- Mortgage assistance is available through the City of Lakewood.
The statewide eviction moratorium expires Oct. 31. Back rent is due by Nov. 1 – evictions may proceed for nonpayment of rent on this date. Pierce County recommends that residents without internet service call 2-1-1 right away if they are behind on rent payments.
Utility Assistance
The statewide utility shutoff moratorium is has expired. Customers may now be disconnected for nonpayment. Individual utilities may offer payment plans, bill relief, or other assistance.
Contact information for utilities serving Lakewood customers may be found on the City’s website. In general, it is best to contact your utility and ask about available assistance.
Lakewood Water District offers payment plans for customers with past-due bills. Comcast offers affordable internet access programs for low-income customers. Lakeview Light & Power may direct customers to available utility assistance. Puget Sound Energy offers assistance to low-income customers.
Business Assistance
Washington State Department of Commerce Small Business Flex Fund lends small businesses up to $150,000 in low-interest, no-fee loans.
Small, BIPOC-owned businesses may apply for a $10,000 grant from the Comcast RISE Investment Fund. The application window for this program concludes Thursday, Oct. 14.