January 14, 2022: Summary of the Week
Lakewood honored #MLKDAY2022 with its annual community film. This year’s theme was “The World Lives in Lakewood”, named for an inclusive mural by Clover Park High School Students.
A suspicious COVID-19 testing site was issued a Stop Work Order by code enforcement on Wednesday morning. Residents are concerned about personal information and test legitimacy – the City has notified state and federal agencies to prompt further investigation.
The City is responding to reports of potholes and flooding on local roads following recent extreme weather. Please report road hazards to MyLakewood311 and the City will respond promptly.
Recent weather has not delayed major road projects. The JBLM North Access Project and the Steilacoom Boulevard Sewer Repair Project remain on schedule. Both will conclude in February, allowing Gravelly Lake Drive and Steilacoom Boulevard to reopen.
Lakewood Celebrates #MLKDAY2022 with Community Film
The City of Lakewood has released its 2022 video celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: “The World Lives in Lakewood”.
2020 census data revealed Lakewood’s BIPOC population has surpassed 50% of its total population. Diversity and vibrant cultural heritage are defining assets of Lakewood. This city is a mix of languages, art, dance, culture, history, heritage, visions, and values.
The City’s 2022 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day video celebrates that shared heritage. Interviews with prominent figures in the civil rights movement are accompanied by interviews with youth: visions of the past are juxtaposed with visions of the future regarding civil rights and equality.
Suspicious COVID-19 Testing Site Issued Stop Work Order
The City of Lakewood issued a Stop Work Order to the Center for COVID Control testing site at 7801 Bridgeport Way on Wednesday morning.
The City was informed by residents that they were suspicious of the site. City code enforcement visited immediately found them operating without a business license. The site closed voluntarily, but the City issued a Stop Work Order to pause their operations. The City additionally alerted neighboring communities and state agencies to review the health and consumer practices of the Center for COVID Control network.
“When a business is collecting personal information from our residents and performing sensitive medical testing, yet they fail to produce a $73.00 business license, that is cause for concern. A Stop Work Order has been issued, so the business will not operate as we and partner agencies investigate.”
– Jim Kopriva, Communications Manager, City of Lakewood
Residents have expressed concern about personal information provided to the business and veracity of test results from the clinic. The City of Lakewood will defer to state agencies to investigate and will post updates as information becomes available to respond to these concerns.

Report Flooding, Potholes to MyLakewood311
Recent snow, rain, freezing, and thawing have damaged road surfaces in some locations in Lakewood. The City has pulled all maintenance staff from their normal responsibilities to prioritize pothole repair.
Some damage warrants more extensive repair than a standard cold mix repair. The City has closed the ring of Ludlow/Walnut/Pine streets for repaving, and will visit 112th, Washington, and Interlaaken next week for repairs.
Please report potholes, flooding, and other issues to MyLakewood311.

Educational Forum to Review Government Purchasing Basics with Local Businesses
An upcoming educational forum will help businesses compete for contracts with local, state, and federal governments on Tuesday, March 10.
Pierce County and the City of Lakewood are partnering to host the 2022 Greater Pierce County Purchasing Forum with Alliance Northwest.
This year’s virtual event will offer Pierce County firms local connections and Pierce County-specific content and opportunities to connect with local officials. Visit the registration link for more information.
The City’s event calendar has been updated to reflect planned 2022 events. Summerfest is scheduled to return in 2022, and a new “Saturday Street Festivals on the Plaza” series of events is planned. Farmers’ markets, outdoor concerts, and many other events will return. Drive-in movie nights will not return in 2022.
Reel Life ’96 Film Competition: February 2022
Registration is full – all 32 team slots have been filled for Lakewood’s upcoming film contest: Reel Life ’96. Participating groups must create a 4-minute film in 4 days based on a theme. The films will be screened in March at a public event.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (virtual): Jan. 15, 2022
The City paid tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr through our annual community film released earlier this week.
The stories and experiences of older civil rights activists were juxtaposed with students’ vision for the future. Enjoy!

- Gravelly Lake & Nyanza: The JBLM North Access project remains on schedule, despite recent weather. Gravelly Lake Drive is closed between Nyanza & Washington through mid-February. The intersection of Gravelly Lake Drive and Washington Boulevard will close for roundabout construction at that time. Stay tuned for detour instructions.
- Steilacoom & Lakewood: Sewer repair beneath Steilacoom Boulevard remains on schedule. The roadway is closed between Lakewood Drive and Gravelly Lake Drive. The roadway should reopen in February.
- Steilacoom & Custer: Sidewalk work is ongoing along the north side of Steilacoom Boulevard. The northern lane (right lane as you drive west) will close during the day Monday thru Friday for a little while. At a later date, the lane will close for three solid weeks.
City Council
Monday, Jan. 10, 2022 Study Session
The Lakewood Multicultural Coalition provided an update to the council on their work to celebrate Lakewood’s diversity and culture. The council discussed the work plans of various citizen advisory boards, committees, and commissions. These bodies include appointed citizens that inform the City’s work on public safety, planning, landmarks and heritage, art, equity, tourism, lake management, and recreation.
Housing Program Manager Jeff Gumm briefed the council on the City’s Rental Housing Safety Program. The program allows renters to report safety and hygeine concerns so that the City can compel repair.
The council was briefed by Associate Planner Ramon Rodriguez on a proposed housing development at 8933 Gravelly Lake Drive SW. The project may be authorized development incentives such as a density bonus in exchange for inclusionary affordable housing.
Next Meetings:
- Jan. 18 Regular Meeting (note: this meeting will be held on Tuesday due to the Monday holiday)
Until Next Week…
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