Holiday closures
Lakewood City Hall and the front lobby of the Lakewood police station will be closed Monday, Sept. 2 in observation of the Labor Day holiday.
Regular operations resume Tuesday, Sept. 3. The Lakewood City Council meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 3 at 7 p.m. Despite the police station front lobby closure, Lakewood police officers will be on regular patrols and working regular hours. If you have an emergency, please call 911.
Pierce Transit ribbon cutting in Lakewood

This week Pierce Transit hosted Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland and other elected officials including Lakewood Mayor Jason Whalen, Deputy Mayor Mary Moss and City Council member Mike Brandstetter in Lakewood to celebrate the kickoff of a systemwide bus stop shelter upgrade. The dignitaries participated in a ribbon cutting ceremony at a new shelter on Bridgeport Way.
The upgrades to bus shelters throughout Pierce Transit’s service area are made possible in part through a Community Project funding/Congressionally Directed Spending grant award of $2.5 million supported by both Congresswoman Strickland and Sen. Patty Murray. The Puget Sound Regional Council’s Federal Highway Administration Equity Pilot Program grant award of $945,820 and some Pierce Transit local funds will also support the project. Read more.
Lakewood Police celebrate 20 years
This month the Lakewood Police Department marked the 20th anniversary of its formation.
To celebrate this milestone members of the Lakewood Police Department were at the Lakewood Farmers Market this week. Thanks to those who stopped by to talk with our officers and check out their cool equipment. It was a great afternoon connecting with the community.
Desserts on the Driveway
“Desserts on the Driveway” is a new innovative initiative connecting Mayor Jason Whalen, City Council members and city officials with Lakewood neighborhoods. This event offers residents a platform to voice concerns, share ideas for solutions, and gain insight into city services.
Desserts on Driveway events are planned for the following dates:
- Wednesday, Sept. 18, 6:30 p.m.: Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW
- Tuesday, Sept. 24, 6:30 p.m.: Lake City (former elementary school site)
Fiesta de la Familia is Sept. 7
The city’s third annual Fiesta de la Familia is taking over Fort Steilacoom Park on Saturday, Sept. 7 from 12-6 p.m.
Head to the park to enjoy a day filled with rich cultural traditions from different countries representing and celebrating Hispanic heritage. There will be live performances on the Pavilion stage, an opportunity to learn traditional dances, and free activities for all.
Children are encouraged to wear a costume or dress in traditional attire to celebrate their heritage and participate in the Children’s Parade. The parade will be led by Alma from PBS Kids. Participants will walk through the park at 3 p.m. Those who want to participate/walk in the parade should gather at the Pavilion at 2:45 p.m.
New to the event this year is a performance by horses and riders from the Skagit Latin Dancing Horses Association. They begin at 1 p.m.
Other activities include:
- Community Offrenda, honor loved ones with personal mementos
- Tree of Life
- Student art displays
- Art displays by local Latino/a artists
- Interactive poetry station
- Face painting
- Vuelta La Luna Circus roaming entertainment
- Fairy catcher
Registration is now open for the Night Owl’s car show at the Fiesta. This year’s theme is “Trunk or Treat”. There are 25 awards up for grabs, including Best in Show. Move in is 11 a.m. Awards will be announced 4 p.m. Email [email protected] and include your first and last name to pre-register at the $20 fee. Day-of registration is $25. Payment is accepted the day of the show.
Find the full schedule of events online.
Bill credits available to eligible TPU and Lakeview Light & Power customers
If you are a customer of Tacoma Public Utilities (TPU) or Lakeview Light & Power you may be eligible for a one-time $200 bill credit.
During the 2024 Legislative Session, the state appropriated $150 million for the Washington Families Clean Energy Grant Program. This funding comes from the Climate Commitment Act (CCA). This program provides qualifying middle- to low-income utility customers with a one-time, $200 bill credit to help with energy costs. These credits will be applied by Sept. 15, 2024.
Tacoma Power residential customers can learn about and apply for the bill credit at This application must be filled out and signed no later than Sept. 2, 2024.
Lakeview Light & Power residential customers can check eligibility and apply at Applications must be completed by Sept. 1, 2024.
Comprehensive Plan review
The City of Lakewood began its required periodic review of its Comprehensive Plan in September 2022. That work included public meetings and review by the Lakewood Planning Commission of new planning documents and policies and new regulatory documents.
The Planning Commission sent its recommendation to the Lakewood City Council at its July 10, 2024 meeting. The City Council began its review of the recommendation July 22, 2024 at a study session.
The City Council will continue its review of the proposed changes and updates on the following dates. All meetings begin at 7 p.m.:
- Sept. 3 Public Hearing. In-person or virtual comments will be accepted live. Written comments must be sent by noon, Sept. 3 to be entered on the record. Email comments to City Clerk Briana Schumacher at [email protected].
- Sept. 9 Study Session.
- Sep. 16 Regular Meeting. The Lakewood City Council is expected to take final action on the update at this meeting.
Council Corner: Aug. 26 meeting recap
Review of City Hall Beam Replacement. In 2023, while preparing a request for bids to coat and seal the exterior beams at Lakewood City Hall, significant issues regarding exposed exterior beams were discovered. A structural engineer identified four areas of concern: two on the lower roof at the west end of the building (council chambers side) and two on the high roof on the west and east ends (court side) of the building.
Temporary support was installed and will remain in place until a final solution is implemented. Several options and cost estimates were developed and evaluated by structural engineers. Two options were presented to the City Council Aug. 26. It was recommended the City Council authorize moving forward with the most cost-effective solution. If approved, damaged beams will be removed and replaced. The current architectural features and shadowing will remain. Total cost is estimated at $685,949.
Review of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Status Report. The Lakewood City Council reviewed its current American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocations and expenditures. The review included a recommendation to reappropriate monies based on emerging priorities and the status of various projects that the city previously committed ARPA funds to support.
Under federal regulations the city must identify where the $13.77 million in ARPA monies it received will go by Dec. 31, 2024. The money must be spent by Dec. 31, 2026. The Lakewood City Council previously allocated all the funds it received, meeting the Dec. 31, 2024 deadline. Since then, several policy issues for City Council consideration have come up. Considering this, it was recommended to the City Council that it amend its original motion allocating monies to allow money not spent to be obligated elsewhere. This includes:
- Adding a proviso that says if the Pierce County Village does not move forward by Dec. 15, 224 the city’s $1 million ARPA allocation to support this housing project be reallocated to support Edgewater Park and downtown park projects.
- Using all available residual ARPA funds ($1.46 millino) to support Edgwater Park and downtown park projects.
- Take interest accrued on the APRA monies – anticipated at $850,00 – to support the following:
- $500,000 to support the pilot project to design street ends for public access to Lakewood lakes (design in 2025, construction 2026).
- $350,000 to help fund the City Hall beam replacement project.
Find a list of the City Council’s complete ARPA allocations on page 40 of the Aug. 26, 2024 agenda packet.
2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review Discussion. Lakewood’s 2024 periodic review of its Comprehensive Plan and development regulations must be completed by Dec. 31, 2024; future periodic reviews will be conducted every 10 years starting in 2034. Lakewood must be up to date with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), including periodic review requirements, to be eligible for grants and loans from certain state infrastructure programs. The City Council held study sessions on July 22 and Aug. 12 and held its first public hearing on the package Aug. 19. Responses to certain public comments received were shared with the City Council at its Aug. 26 meeting. Additional responses to public comments and to questions asked by the City Council will be provided at the City Council’s Sept. 9 study session. Find the responses on page 49 of the Aug. 26, 2024 agenda packet.
Watch the meeting.
What’s on Deck: The Lakewood City Council meets Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024 for a regular meeting at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. Note the change in meeting day due to the Monday holiday. Tentative agenda items include:
- Proclamation declaring September 11, 2024 as Patriot Day and Day of Remembrance
- Proclamation recognizing National Hispanic Heritage month
- Business Showcase: Burs Restaurant
- Reports by the Youth Council & Clover Park School District
- Appointing Gregory Wraggs to serve on the Community Services Advisory Board through December 15, 2028
- Resolution setting a public hearing on October 7, 2024 to consider the vacation of that section of Cline Road lying between Interstate 5 and Pacific Highway SW
- Public Hearing: 2024 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Review
- Public Hearing: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Program Funding
- Reports by the City Manager: Addressing repeat offenders in Municipal Court
How to attend: Attend in person at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main Street SW; Join via Zoom (or dial 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID: 868 7263 2373), or watch live on the city’s YouTube channel.
Police Chief’s Corner
Each week Lakewood Police Chief Patrick D. Smith shares a summary that includes a look at total calls for service the Lakewood Police Department responded to for the prior week. The intent of the summary is to show a snapshot of how the department works to keep the community safe. To see quarterly statistical analysis, visit the Lakewood Police Department crime statistics page on the city website.
Last week’s City Manager’s Bulletin did not include the Police Chief’s Corner summary for Aug. 6-13. It is provided below, along with the Aug. 13-20 summary.
Weekly Summary, Aug. 20-27, 2024
- Calls for Service: 1,044
- Arrests: 54
- Violent Crime: 24
- Property Crime: 69
- Traffic Stops: 81
- Collisions (reportable): 28
Community events
Save the date: Harvest Hoedown at the H-Barn
Partners for Parks is hosting a “Harvest Hoedown” Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 from 4-7 p.m. to help raise money for its H-Barn restoration project.
This fun-filled, family-friendly event will have live country music, family activities, a festive farm atmosphere, dancing, food trucks and a raffle. Cost is $10 per person. Children eight years and under are free.
The nonprofit Partners for Parks is raising $3.5 million to contribute toward restoration of the historic H-Barn at Fort Steilacoom Park. The group has raised $2.1 million toward its final goal. Learn more about its efforts and purchase tickets online.
Sign up for Lakewood Alert (Code Red)
The City of Lakewood uses Code Red, an alert service, to notify residents of important information happening in the city.
If there is an emergency that requires public notification, we will use Lakewood Alert as one way to communicate. We will also post information to our website and social media channels.
Subscribers can sign up to receive text and email alerts. People can also sign up for important non-emergency updates including information about road impacts from large events in the city or information about special events.
Find out more and sign up today.
Now Hiring!
There are a variety of positions available for hard workers looking to join the City of Lakewood team. Lakewood offers a competitive benefits package. We are part of the state retirement system (PERS). And the city is a beautiful place to work. Find a current list of open positions online.
Road project updates
Interlaaken Bridge repair
The City’s contractor has completed the pile cap replacements and began working on timber stringers. In-water work is expected to conclude by the end of September. After the in-water work is completed, Quigg Brothers will replace multiple pedestrian/guardrail posts. Once all work is complete, the bridge will be reopened to traffic.
Steilacoom Boulevard (Weller Road to 87th Ave SW)
Tacoma Public Utilities continues to replace 38 utility poles along Steilacoom Boulevard between Weller Road and 87th Ave SW. While TPU is doing this work drivers should expect lane closures as the poles are installed over the next three to four months. Road construction will begin this fall on this stretch of roadway for a $6 million road improvement project. Once construction begins, drivers can expect all-day lane closures over an extended period.
Hipkins Road
Hipkins is closed from 104th to Cross Lane and will remain closed through the duration of the rest of the work; detours are in place. The contractor is working on final water system tie-ins (new water main being connected to the existing main). A portion of the concrete work has been completed and prep continues for the remainder. Trench line asphalt patching is complete. The current schedule reflects a final paving date of Sept. 17 (weather dependent).
Farwest Drive, Safe Routes to School
Work is paused while waiting for the new pedestrian luminaires to be delivered (anticipated for late fall). Crews are on site installing permanent signage, cleaning the site, and completing punchlist items.
Remaining work includes the installation of a new signal bridge. The City received notification this week that the new anticipated shipping date of the signal bridge is Sept. 27.
84th and Pine
The contractor installed the new signals; Opticom and video detection installation remain.