Apply for a Permit

Follow the steps below to apply for your project’s permitting needs. You can also access the Permit Dashboard to track your application or look up permits in the city.



As you research your property, the process can reveal critical area or shoreline considerations, stormwater management needs, access needs, or other relevant site factors to ensure compliance with Lakewood Municipal Codes.

The City of Lakewood is not a full-service agency. Sewer, water, electrical, and fire safety permits, reviews, and inspections are done by outside agencies.

Create an account in the online Permit Dashboard. Review the submittal checklists and fill out the applicable PDF applications.

Only complete applications and payment of fees will be reviewed for compliance with city codes.  

A site plan is a scaled drawing of your proposed building project and its correlation to land features and lot lines. Site plans illustrate what your project will entail and how land features that exist on the property site will be addressed. A site plan is an important part of the permit process. Incorrect site plans cause delays in the review process.

Upload your PDF application(s) to the online Permit Dashboard. Only complete applications and payment of fees will go under review. Find the correct application here.

You can use these How-To Guides for assistance.

Track your application status through the Permits Dashboard. Complete applications are reviewed in the order received. As part of the review process, if you receive a Request for Information, please respond in a timely manner or applications can expire.  

Once a permit application is approved and issued, there will be inspections required prior final closeout and granting occupancy. Inspections could be required for both site development and structural.

Use the Permit Dashboard to schedule required inspections throughout your project. Plan ahead as inspections are scheduled in the order they are received and based on staff availability.  

For permits beginning in BP (ex. BP-21-11111): Request your inspection by calling 253-512-2266.

Have Questions?

Email the Planning & Public Works Department [email protected] or call 253-512-2261. Pre-application and customer meetings are available, see below for more information.

Customer Meetings

Customers can schedule meetings with our Permit Technicians and Planners to help answer general questions, including how to apply for permits, upload application submittals, and checking on a permit status.

Meetings are available Tuesday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main St SW or virtually through Teams. Click here to schedule an appointment with a Permit Technician or Planner.

Pre-Application Meeting Conference

Before submitting a project application meet with Department review staff by appointment. The purpose is to provide preliminary comments of your proposed project or issue. Review Team Members will review the proposed project and provide written comments. Examples include large developments of multi-family dwelling unit(s), commercial/industrial development, other complex projects. New dock, bulkhead or sites with environmental constraints are strongly recommended to use the pre-Application Meeting process. 

To apply for a pre-application meeting, please fill out the application form and submit on the Permit Dashboard.

Pre-Application Submission Form (PDF)

Permit and Service Counter

Lakewood City Hall, 6000 Main St SW
Tuesday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Click here to schedule an appointment with a Permit Technician or Planner.

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