March 11, 2022: Lakewood Headlines
Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Mary Robnett determines Lakewood officer’s use of force “justified and lawful” in thorough review of 2020 officer-involved shooting of Said Joquin.
Lakewood invites phrases, quotes, and stories from residents to be etched into a welcoming metallic gateway arc to be built near Colonial Plaza.
Let us know what you think about climate change: our Climate Change Perceptions Survey asks 20 questions and takes just 2-6 minutes to complete.
The Spring Community Cleanup will be hosted on April 9 & 10 – new rules have been adopted to keep the line moving quickly.
No Charges Filed Related to 2020 Officer-Involved Shooting of Said Joquin
Prosecuting Attorney determines Lakewood officer’s use of force “justified and lawful” in thorough report
Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Mary Robnett will not file charges related to the officer-involved shooting that resulted in the death of Said Joquin on May 1, 2020.
Robnett issued a thorough review of the incident to the City of Lakewood on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. The review concludes, “Officer Wiley’s use of deadly force, in reaction to an immediate deadly threat, was justified and lawful.”
This follows an independent investigation of the incident by the Cooperative Cities Crime Response Unit (CRU) that concluded on March 9, 2021.
Colonial Plaza Gateway Arcs to Feature Your Words
Artist invites quotes, phrases, and stories to be etched into the final piece.
The cobbled street and classic architecture of Colonial Plaza will be joined by another distinguishing feature: a new piece of public art will be installed soon. Metallic “Gateway Arcs” will welcome from afar and amaze from up close with a collection of community voices.
Throughout March, residents may submit brief phrases, quotes, and stories about life in Lakewood. Hundreds of stories will be etched onto story strips in the final piece. Pieces must be submitted by April 1, 2022.

What Do You Think About Climate Change?
City begins survey to assess attitudes towards climate change and environmental initiatives
The City of Lakewood has begun to survey residents about their opinions on climate change. The survey will assess residents’ degree of concern and what evidence and effects they have noticed.
The survey is available online and a printed copy was mailed to a sample of 1,000 Lakewood residents. Both versions of the survey are offered in three languages (English, Spanish, and Korean). The online survey is comprised of 20 questions and takes 2 to 6 minutes to complete.

Spring Community Cleanup Scheduled for April 9, 10
Lakewood residents may bring trash, junk, and recyclables for free disposal
Our Spring Community Cleanup will be held on Saturday, April 9 and Sunday, April 10 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the transfer station. (3869 94th Street SW, Lakewood, WA 98499).
The Spring 2021 event was heavily attended and created long waits. New rules are in effect to move traffic efficiently. No vehicles taller than 7′ or trailers larger than 4′ by 8′ will be permitted. Participants will have five minutes to clear their vehicles on the disposal deck.
The event is limited to Lakewood residents – participants must bring a bill or ID. Participants must wear safe shoes, drive with safely-secured loads, and unload their own items.
ACCEPTED: Bagged items, tires (removed from rims), bicycles, furniture, couches, grills, appliances, and recyclables.
NOT ACCEPTED: Loose items, paint, yard waste, construction waste, long lumber (8’+), concrete, auto parts, explosive materials, propane tanks, hazardous materials, electronics, donations, and mattresses.
More Headlines
- We invite vendors and organizations to apply to participate in our summer events.
- Residents may rent a 4′ x 8′ garden bed at our community gardens for just $20.
- Spring is a wonderful time to start volunteering. Find volunteer opportunities here.

Event | Date | Location |
Community Cleanup | April 9 & 10, 2022 | Transfer Station |
Parks Appreciation Day | April 23, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Youth Fishing Event | May 14, 2022 | American Lake Park |
Saturday Street Festivals: Dancing in the Streets | May 21, 2022 | Colonial Plaza |
Paddle, Row, & Canoe Day | June 4, 2022 | Harry Todd Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | June 7, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | June 14, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Saturday Street Festivals: Carnival of Cultures | June 18, 2022 | Colonial Plaza |
Lakewood Farmers Market | June 21, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | June 28, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Summer Nights Concert: Afrodisiacs | June 28, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | July 5, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | July 12, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Summer Nights Concerts: Herding Cats | July 12, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | July 19, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Summer Nights Concerts: Olsen Brothers | July 19, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
SummerFest | July 23, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | July 26, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Summer Nights Concerts: Candy Shoppe | July 26, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | August 2, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | August 9, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Summer Nights Concerts: Good Co. Swing | August 9, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Saturday Street Festivals: Jazz Night & Car Show | August 13, 2022 | Colonial Plaza |
Lakewood Farmers Market | August 16, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Summer Nights Concerts: Paperback Writer | August 16, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | August 23, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Lakewood Farmers Market | August 30, 2022 | Fort Steilacoom Park |
Saturday Street Festivals: Fiesta de la Familia | September 17, 2022 | Colonial Plaza |
- Gravelly Lake & Nyanza: Washington Boulevard is now closed between Lake City Boulevard and Gravelly Lake Drive. This phase is expected to be completed in June.
- Steilacoom & Custer: Sidewalk construction is complete; bike lanes and lighting will be added soon.
- Phillips & Onyx: Sidewalk construction will begin in May along the west side of Phillips between Agate & Onyx. Expect minor lane adjustments.
City Council Summary: Monday, March 7, 2022
City Council declared March “Red Cross Month” and acknowledged the historic efforts of the American Red Cross to meet the mission of its founder, Clara Barton: “You must never think of anything except the need, and how to meet it.” City Council also issued a proclamation to acknowledge the 100th anniversary of Lakeview Light & Power.
Living Access Support Alliance (LASA) Executive Director Janne Hutchins provided an update on homelessness prevention and other services for vulnerable persons. LASA shelters about 75 families a year and provides other assistance to many more families to preserve shelter and dignity. LASA will break ground on a new hygiene center this spring to offer shower and laundry services to families and people in need.
Jesse Black and Denise Franklin were appointed to join the ad hoc Tree Advisory Committee. The committee will work together and factor community opinion to form a consensus on code amendments to be presented to the Planning Commission in June, and later by City Council.
City Manager John Caulfield provided a series of updates:
- On Thursday, March 10, the Alliance Northwest Purchasing Forum will be held virtually to convene governments and businesses to network and educate businesses about government procurement processes and opportunities.
- The Lakewood Police Department has begun its body-worn camera pilot program. 15 officers have been outfitted with cameras for a 90-day trial period as the department tests the equipment and corresponding policies.
- On Saturday, March 12, City Council will gather for a special retreat to consider solutions to homelessness. City Council will review situation reports, hear from subject matter experts, and discuss policy.
- The City is preparing to launch “Lakewood Alert“, a new emergency notification system. Emergency information can be found on the City’s homepage under “Weather & Emergency“.
Next Meetings:
- March 14, 2022 Study Session
- March 12, 2022 (Saturday) Special Meeting
Until Next Week…
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